Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 8

Well the political cartoon is anti-Bush again, big surprise. 3L for that one.

T. Teepen again. Between Teepen and Krugman I just want to puke. For ratings on Krugman see , unfortunately Teepen doesn't write for a paper that this web site rates. We learn that Bush wants a little secrecy in the government. Guess he got tired of reading all the secrets in the news. Funny I thought the media was upset about releases of secrets before, of course they were all to ready to publish them. Funny how that goes. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article.

D. Brooks is a very moderate conservative. His article today just doesn't say much of anything. Guess it is his attempt at fair and balanced. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.

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