Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 12

Well if it isn't Paul Krugman day again. Second most favorite OP-ED writer for the IR. I think Tom Teppin is first.

He is changing tactics today and going after Bush on fiscal policies. To bad the Congress is totally innocent,... oh yeah, I forgot, they have to pass the budget and send it back to Bush.

Krugman keeps stating that Bush lied as if this is a truism (propaganda term) without offering proof. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L, plus anti-Bush. Boy that Krugman is consistent.

Political cartoon gets a 3L and anti-Bush too. The other cartoon is on health so it is neutral for today.

The 'Your Turn' article is on how political correctness has gone overboard,.... again, so it is neutral as far as directly liberal vs conservative. Although it does sound like it is liberals run amok again.

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