Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 17

George Will is the featured OP-ED writer today. Another conservative writer with a neutral or negative view of the president. Today's article is on the line item veto. Although it might be a good idea it is not really workable with the constitution. Presidents just need to send back those budget bills back to congress till they get it right. A few comments on the pork included and how it should be removed might shame congress into correcting the problems. Of course I could be wrong, it could be impossible to shame congress. Give this article a 2C for writer and zero for article.

The 'Your Turn' was local so got no rating.

The political cartoon was anti-Bush and liberal, give it a 3L. How anybody can compare Iran trying to get nuclear bombs to destroy Isreal and Bush trying to monitor and control India's already operating nuclear program and see them as the same shows a totally stupid view of the world.

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