Original ideas seem to be
beyond the capability of the Democrats first-string candidates for Congress this
First, Harry Reid’s
hand-picked senate candidate, John Walsh, imploded when it was discovered that
he had plagiarized his master’s thesis from the War College in 2007. The New
Your Times’ explosive piece, that came to light a scant few weeks after the
primary election, eventually resulted in the beaten and bloody sure-thing
incumbent senator tucking his tail between his legs and riding into the sunset.
That left the Montana Democrat Party frantically scrambling for a replacement
candidate from an array of has-beens, losers, and untested
Meanwhile, back in the
race for Montana’s only House seat, the democrats’ phantom candidate, John Lewis
(“Lewis who?”), was desperately trying to get a little traction and attention
from the press and the voters. After noticing all the coverage that Walsh got
in July and August while he was sucking hind tit, Lewis apparently took away a
lesson that maybe wasn’t the smartest thing he could have come up
Last week, in a big event
that almost nobody noticed, John rolled out his fantastic, new, exciting, ta-da,
plan to “clean up congress.” Part and parcel of this brilliant idea is the
proposal that members of Congress shouldn’t be paid until they pass a budget.
Wow. Just wow.
Earth to John. If you’re
going to plagiarize key elements of your campaign platform the last place you
should “borrow” from is the current Republican congressman. Steve Daines
introduced his first bill, the Balanced Budget Accountability Act in
February of 2013, which called for a pay cut if Congress didn’t pass a balanced
budget, and he co-sponsored the No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013, which –
you guessed it - required both chambers of Congress to pass a budget by April
15, 2013 or the salaries of Members of that chamber would be withheld. By the
way, the bill passed both houses and was signed into law by the
So let me help you out,
Plagiarize [pley-juh-rahyz,
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use
(another's production) without permission or crediting the source
We know it can get you a
lot of press coverage, John, but you should have paid better attention:
Plagiarism can be a real bummer for a campaign.
Guest Post from MT City Girl
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