Saturday, April 22, 2006

April 16

April 15 was a Saturday.

Two political cartoons today. One is fairly neutral showing Rep and Dems arguing about nothing while the real problems are ignored. The other is about Dafuer, guess they want us to invade. C2L.

George Will got posted today. And guess what, he has something bad to say about Republicans, what a surprise. Several things I found wrong with the article. That the McCain-Fiengold act should not be abolished, he thinks it should continue, even though Dems have found ways around it even better then Rep. So if everybody is cheating maybe it was wrong it the first place. He also makes a dumb statement about how the fairness doctrine has some how caused conservatives to rule talk radio. No, it's because even liberals don't listen to Air America. Some how free speech isn't correct unless you force an even balance of listeners. W1C A2L


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