Monday, September 23, 2013

Putin to the Rescue

I can not stress the importance I give to the complete humiliation the USA received from President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry’s completely botched Syrian red line. Not only has it damaged the USA’s standing in the world it has also raised President Putin to the level of statesman and peace maker.

No matter how much the media spins it Kerry screwed up with his statement about if Syria disarming would solve the red line problem. And then Putin seeing a gaping opening took advantage of this blunder. And Obama went along with Putin elevating himself to lead negotiator.

Putin is playing chess, Obama is playing checkers, Kerry is playing Scrabble and Biden is still trying to figure out tic-tac-toe. It is complete humiliation. And I don’t think any of our leaders understand the loss.

Meanwhile the media keeps spinning it like Obama and Kerry planed this disaster from the beginning. But it was a total screw-up.

The USA lost worldwide credibility and the moral high ground. This will hurt our country for decades.

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