Saturday, June 10, 2006

May 14

George Will writes how politics has gone down hill to a poll driven marketing of politicians. Only one thing on Bush and it is historical.

W3C A0

Ellen Goodman writes on the 'Mommy Wars'. One thing that bothers me, they keep quoting how mother if they were paid would get $100,000+ per year. If most people don't make that now where do they get that high a number. And how come you never read how much the 'Dads' would make with their extra hours per week. I think this is a heavily padded number.

W6L A0

1 comment:

Loki said...

Assumption again.

I blame it on political correctness and bias for women as care givers.

But right now I am concentrating on proving the IR bias. They think they are perfectly neutral.