Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 4

Tom Teepen (4L) today. Well he is on a big rant today. Conservatives are all paranoid and their are no attempts to bring down Christmas and Easter. Won't get in to that today. He also bashes Rush Limbaugh's plea even though that is the law in that state on what they do to first time offenders. Guess you have to treat conservatives differently then the rest of the actors and democrats who have ever had trouble with drugs. The rest of his rant is on our national anthem. Maybe he should check with the democrats, not even they are backing our national anthem being sung in Spanish. Weak attempt, only give this one a 3L.

The other OP-ED is by Nicholas Kristof (3L). He makes some valid points about the 'No Child Left Behind' not allowing qualified people to teach because they don't have a teaching certificate. But his solution is weak. There are people qualified for lots of jobs in this country who don't even get an interview because they don't have the right degree or education. Should we make teachers an exception just on a desire. Nothing about his plan guarantees an improvement in improving teachers in this country. How ever no real politics so article gets a zero.

W4L A3L W3L A0

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