Well I expected the liberal IR to pick Tester and they did. But that was not enough. They also had to post two political cartoons that were anti-Bush and post two opinion writers who are ultra-left and anti-Bush. I guess they didn't think everyone would follow them over the cliff like lemmings without extra opinions.
Paul Krugman definitely has 'Bush Derangement Syndrome' and the highest liberal ranking at www.lyinginponds.com. Thomas Friedman is just behind him with a definite liberal bias.
On page 3E an article by Brad Foss even does a 'damming denial' that Bush lowered gas prices for the election. Although the article says no individual controls world gas prices it then goes on how the liberal are linking the 'temporary' price drop to Bush.
The Helena IR by posting this just before the election makes sure that Burns has no time to refute them. They pulled out all of the stops in their support of Tester. Their ability to pick winners is not that good and I expect Burns to still win.
The Helena IR is so liberal that if there was any competition in Helena I think they would die a quick death as conservative, libertarian, and moderates would abandon their subscriptions.
A conservative view of Helena. All postings are the opinions of the individual posters. We may not agree with or support any posting. Everyone is encouraged to be civil and post only arguements and not insults.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
John Kerry
Well the biggest news in the nation doesn't seem to be of any importance to the Helena IR today. Either they think that John Kerry's stupid statement is not news or that John Kerry is not news worthy, either way it is not in the paper.
I tend to think that they just don't like to print bad news about one of their hero's.
As to Kerry's lame excuses,... I've heard better from two-year olds.
Expect a two point bump in the polls for Republicans because of Kerry.
Not to much to report on the opinion page as 'letters to the editor' has taken over.
The Helena IR picks have not been much of a surprise yet. Their choices seem quite obvious.
I tend to think that they just don't like to print bad news about one of their hero's.
As to Kerry's lame excuses,... I've heard better from two-year olds.
Expect a two point bump in the polls for Republicans because of Kerry.
Not to much to report on the opinion page as 'letters to the editor' has taken over.
The Helena IR picks have not been much of a surprise yet. Their choices seem quite obvious.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Fall of the IR blog
I have been lax with posts. Summer does have a way of interfering with things. The IR has also stopped with their blog. This leaves a big gap in blogging for Helena. I know there a lot of you who are just frothing at the mouth to blog. So I'm going to start this one up before I finish with my documentation of IR bias.
I will be emailing select individuals and hope that others learn of this blog throuh them.
To start lets try something tame. Will the Schweitzer plan for gasification of coal work or is he overeaching.
I will be emailing select individuals and hope that others learn of this blog throuh them.
To start lets try something tame. Will the Schweitzer plan for gasification of coal work or is he overeaching.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
May 15
Kathleen Parker writes on parental alienation. No politics.
W1C A0 (I have no rating on Kathleen, will look further)
W1C A0 (I have no rating on Kathleen, will look further)
May 14
George Will writes how politics has gone down hill to a poll driven marketing of politicians. Only one thing on Bush and it is historical.
W3C A0
Ellen Goodman writes on the 'Mommy Wars'. One thing that bothers me, they keep quoting how mother if they were paid would get $100,000+ per year. If most people don't make that now where do they get that high a number. And how come you never read how much the 'Dads' would make with their extra hours per week. I think this is a heavily padded number.
W6L A0
W3C A0
Ellen Goodman writes on the 'Mommy Wars'. One thing that bothers me, they keep quoting how mother if they were paid would get $100,000+ per year. If most people don't make that now where do they get that high a number. And how come you never read how much the 'Dads' would make with their extra hours per week. I think this is a heavily padded number.
W6L A0
May 12
Bob Herbert was a cheerleader for the Democrats today telling them need more moxie to defeat the evil Bush.
David Brooks is pushing optimism. Odd, he didn't give Bush any credit for all the great things he says are happening.
W4C A0
W4L A2L W4C A0
David Brooks is pushing optimism. Odd, he didn't give Bush any credit for all the great things he says are happening.
W4C A0
W4L A2L W4C A0
May 11
Maureen Dowd rejoices at Bush's low poll numbers. Polls aren't enough, the pundints have to retread them.
W4L A6L (got an extra point for Darth Chaney comment)
Thomas Friedman does an article on how we are all doomed to this new world oil culture.
W4L A6L (got an extra point for Darth Chaney comment)
Thomas Friedman does an article on how we are all doomed to this new world oil culture.
May 10
Bob Herbert today, compares Iraq to an incureable disease. Bobbie seeks out the worst and finds it, again. Although he was totally against the war he didn't acutally mention Bush.
Nicholas Kristoff give a backhanded story on Bush. Says history will be harsh on him, except for his antislavery policies. Unlike global warming liberals can find one think they like about Bush.
Nicholas Kristoff give a backhanded story on Bush. Says history will be harsh on him, except for his antislavery policies. Unlike global warming liberals can find one think they like about Bush.
May 9
David Brooks talks about delayed gratification and success. Another conservative not writing about polictics gets published in the IR.
W3C A0
W3C A0
May 7
George Will writes today about the movie 'United 93'. Like Mona Chareen on May 3 his biggest complaint is how the MSM nit-picks.
Thomas Freidman writes about how oil and democracy don't mix. Pretty much middle of the road with a brief environmentalizm push at the end. Also a brief push on how American policy is doomed to failure.
Thomas Freidman writes about how oil and democracy don't mix. Pretty much middle of the road with a brief environmentalizm push at the end. Also a brief push on how American policy is doomed to failure.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Movie Review MI:3
Mission Impossible 3
Actually not too bad. The story had all kinds of holes in it. And plausibility is not even remotely possible. An example; they brought a scanning device that not only could give a better image then an MRI but could also identify the objects material composition. This on a rescue mission with limited supplies and resources. But for an action movie it wasn't too bad.
Phillip S. Huffman did an excellent job. The thing missing from most action movies today is a really good BAD guy. One you just love to hate. The difference between a bad movie and a good movie is usually the bad guy. If you don't have a bad guy that everyone wants to see die in the end there is no passion for the audience. By the end of the movie you want to see Huffman die. Not quite as good a character as Goldfinger but close.
As to the rest of the cast they were pretty well forgettable as Tom Cruise tends to dominate the screen and not let any other great characters on screen. This is not good. You tend not to connect with the other characters and have no empathy for whether they live or die.
Tom also tries his best at some dramatic acting. But since we don't have empathy with the other characters his emotional response seems forced.
The action sequences were great and Tom actually did a LOT of his own stunts. I've seen CGI and these shots were not that. I'm sure the producer and director were close to a nervous breakdown with some of the stunts Tom did. Jumping from a building, running along a wall and several other stunts.
This action movie is also not one you will want to wait till it comes out on DVD. It has to be seen on the big screen with all the sounds effects. It will be a big disappointment to those who watch it on DVD after seeing it on the big screen.
My recommendation: See it at least once on the big screen.
Actually not too bad. The story had all kinds of holes in it. And plausibility is not even remotely possible. An example; they brought a scanning device that not only could give a better image then an MRI but could also identify the objects material composition. This on a rescue mission with limited supplies and resources. But for an action movie it wasn't too bad.
Phillip S. Huffman did an excellent job. The thing missing from most action movies today is a really good BAD guy. One you just love to hate. The difference between a bad movie and a good movie is usually the bad guy. If you don't have a bad guy that everyone wants to see die in the end there is no passion for the audience. By the end of the movie you want to see Huffman die. Not quite as good a character as Goldfinger but close.
As to the rest of the cast they were pretty well forgettable as Tom Cruise tends to dominate the screen and not let any other great characters on screen. This is not good. You tend not to connect with the other characters and have no empathy for whether they live or die.
Tom also tries his best at some dramatic acting. But since we don't have empathy with the other characters his emotional response seems forced.
The action sequences were great and Tom actually did a LOT of his own stunts. I've seen CGI and these shots were not that. I'm sure the producer and director were close to a nervous breakdown with some of the stunts Tom did. Jumping from a building, running along a wall and several other stunts.
This action movie is also not one you will want to wait till it comes out on DVD. It has to be seen on the big screen with all the sounds effects. It will be a big disappointment to those who watch it on DVD after seeing it on the big screen.
My recommendation: See it at least once on the big screen.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
May 5
Thomas Friedman (1L) writes today about how we need to free ourselves from our addiction on oil. He blames republicans more then democrats but he does lay blame on both parties. I don't agree with his ideas but he is relatively neutral on politics. (1L)
David Brooks (4C) writes about who is attracted to which party. He suggests it begins in high school. I disagree with it because it doesn't explain why people change. Demographics do change with age, although there are always exceptions. Give this one a 1L, I thought his description of republicans as dull instead of introspective gets him a point. 8^)
David Brooks (4C) writes about who is attracted to which party. He suggests it begins in high school. I disagree with it because it doesn't explain why people change. Demographics do change with age, although there are always exceptions. Give this one a 1L, I thought his description of republicans as dull instead of introspective gets him a point. 8^)
May 4
Tom Teepen (4L) today. Well he is on a big rant today. Conservatives are all paranoid and their are no attempts to bring down Christmas and Easter. Won't get in to that today. He also bashes Rush Limbaugh's plea even though that is the law in that state on what they do to first time offenders. Guess you have to treat conservatives differently then the rest of the actors and democrats who have ever had trouble with drugs. The rest of his rant is on our national anthem. Maybe he should check with the democrats, not even they are backing our national anthem being sung in Spanish. Weak attempt, only give this one a 3L.
The other OP-ED is by Nicholas Kristof (3L). He makes some valid points about the 'No Child Left Behind' not allowing qualified people to teach because they don't have a teaching certificate. But his solution is weak. There are people qualified for lots of jobs in this country who don't even get an interview because they don't have the right degree or education. Should we make teachers an exception just on a desire. Nothing about his plan guarantees an improvement in improving teachers in this country. How ever no real politics so article gets a zero.
W4L A3L W3L A0
The other OP-ED is by Nicholas Kristof (3L). He makes some valid points about the 'No Child Left Behind' not allowing qualified people to teach because they don't have a teaching certificate. But his solution is weak. There are people qualified for lots of jobs in this country who don't even get an interview because they don't have the right degree or education. Should we make teachers an exception just on a desire. Nothing about his plan guarantees an improvement in improving teachers in this country. How ever no real politics so article gets a zero.
W4L A3L W3L A0
May 3
Mona Chareen writes today about the movie 'United 93'. No comments about politics except to say the MSM is nit-picking it and Bush should give the passengers and crew medals.
Another example of a conservative writer having to not comment on politics to get published in the IR.
Another example of a conservative writer having to not comment on politics to get published in the IR.
May 2
Tom Teepen (4L) today. Writes about an old discredited and dropped study airlines had done to see if they could make it cheaper to fly passengers standing up. Not only is he way out of date with the study but he somehow implies that it is wrong to even study ways to cut costs. However he doesn't bring politics into the story so he gets a A0.
W4L A0
W4L A0
May 1
Well I did my bit. I shopped at Wal-Mart and spent extra money to celebrate May Day, the communist holiday being taken over by the illegal immigrants.
Political cartoon is against profit. Anybody who makes a profit is bad. Business is bad. But of course newspapers who are big business are the exception.
David Brooks (4C) today. Writes on how the democrats were beginning to be aware that multiculturism is a lost cause and the the democrats have to appeal to middle America nationalism. I wish he would quit giving advice to democrats. Oh why worry, they won't listen. I give this article a zero. Although he mentions democrats he says that they are learning from their past errors and actually directs them on how to improve. A0
Paul Krugman (8L) writes again today. Basically Bush 1 & 2 appoint cronies but Clinton appointed only good people. Guess he forgot about travelgate and numerous other indiscretion. Even the report he cites doesn't blame Bush but Krugman somehow found a link. Article 8L for not only blaming both Bush presidents but also somehow bringing in Clinton as a hero. No bias here,... yeah sure.
Political cartoon is against profit. Anybody who makes a profit is bad. Business is bad. But of course newspapers who are big business are the exception.
David Brooks (4C) today. Writes on how the democrats were beginning to be aware that multiculturism is a lost cause and the the democrats have to appeal to middle America nationalism. I wish he would quit giving advice to democrats. Oh why worry, they won't listen. I give this article a zero. Although he mentions democrats he says that they are learning from their past errors and actually directs them on how to improve. A0
Paul Krugman (8L) writes again today. Basically Bush 1 & 2 appoint cronies but Clinton appointed only good people. Guess he forgot about travelgate and numerous other indiscretion. Even the report he cites doesn't blame Bush but Krugman somehow found a link. Article 8L for not only blaming both Bush presidents but also somehow bringing in Clinton as a hero. No bias here,... yeah sure.
W4C A0 W8L A8L
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Disclaimer and Ranking Changes
These posts represent the opinions of the posters based on published articles in the Helena Independent Record. Although they are rated and ranked the posters are not scientists and their ranking is of an amateur nature and is for discussion purposes only.
Any comments are the sole responsibility of said posters and we may not agree with their posts. We do not have any control of who posts.
Starting in May a new ranking system will be started. The scale will be expaned from 0-3 to 0-10 because the rankings becomes compacted making the results more pronounced.
Bias rating for the Helena IR opinion writers. This is data colected from www.lyinginponds.com and subjective ranking by visiting conservative and liberal web sites for those not ranked at lyinginponds. I am posting this so that everyone will know how each writer is ranked. Should you disagree let me know with a valid reason. In all cases if possible lyinginponds will be the final judge. If a writer is not posted in lyinginponds or there ranking is old I may be swayed to modify their ranking but my judgement will also be final.
Conservatives 0-10 rating (round(rating/10))
Mona Charen 57C 6
Cal Thomas 43C 4
Linda Chavez 36C 4
David Brooks 35C 4
George Will 28C 3
William Safire 22C 2
Walter Williams 4C 0
Paul Krugman 76L 8(avg of two years)
Molly Ivins 69L 7
Ellen Goodman 60L 6
Tom Teepen 40L 4
Bob Herbert 39L 4
Maureen Dowd 38L 4
Nicholas Kristof 27L 3
Thomas Freidman 14L 1
Any comments are the sole responsibility of said posters and we may not agree with their posts. We do not have any control of who posts.
Starting in May a new ranking system will be started. The scale will be expaned from 0-3 to 0-10 because the rankings becomes compacted making the results more pronounced.
Bias rating for the Helena IR opinion writers. This is data colected from www.lyinginponds.com and subjective ranking by visiting conservative and liberal web sites for those not ranked at lyinginponds. I am posting this so that everyone will know how each writer is ranked. Should you disagree let me know with a valid reason. In all cases if possible lyinginponds will be the final judge. If a writer is not posted in lyinginponds or there ranking is old I may be swayed to modify their ranking but my judgement will also be final.
Conservatives 0-10 rating (round(rating/10))
Mona Charen 57C 6
Cal Thomas 43C 4
Linda Chavez 36C 4
David Brooks 35C 4
George Will 28C 3
William Safire 22C 2
Walter Williams 4C 0
Paul Krugman 76L 8(avg of two years)
Molly Ivins 69L 7
Ellen Goodman 60L 6
Tom Teepen 40L 4
Bob Herbert 39L 4
Maureen Dowd 38L 4
Nicholas Kristof 27L 3
Thomas Freidman 14L 1
April Results
There were 21 OP-EDs from liberal writers in April and 6 articles from conservative writers. This give us approximately 78% liberal writers and only 22% conservative writers.
The average ranking of (how biased) the liberal writers were was 2.7 (89%) out of 3 and the average liberal article received a 2 (67%) out of 3.
The average ranking of (how biased) the conservative writers was 1.5 (50%) of 3 and the average conservative article received a 1.3 (44%) out of 3.
There was only 1 article for the month that had a cross-over article. Suprisingly it was from a liberal writer.
I didn't bother to rate the cartoons as they were so biased to the left that there was nothing redeeming in them.
Clearly there is a bias in not only who is posted but also how on biased their article. Conservative writers were not only published less often but were less biased and their articles were less biased. This would put the IR at over 80% biased to the liberal side (In my opinion).
The average ranking of (how biased) the liberal writers were was 2.7 (89%) out of 3 and the average liberal article received a 2 (67%) out of 3.
The average ranking of (how biased) the conservative writers was 1.5 (50%) of 3 and the average conservative article received a 1.3 (44%) out of 3.
There was only 1 article for the month that had a cross-over article. Suprisingly it was from a liberal writer.
I didn't bother to rate the cartoons as they were so biased to the left that there was nothing redeeming in them.
Clearly there is a bias in not only who is posted but also how on biased their article. Conservative writers were not only published less often but were less biased and their articles were less biased. This would put the IR at over 80% biased to the liberal side (In my opinion).
April 30
Political cartoon implies that the president's only exit strategy is into Iran. Guess they don't see Iran as a world threat, fools. C3L
The other cartoon was neutral.
Thomas Friedman today. Blames the president for the current oil 'crisis'. Everything is a crisis, disaster, or emergency today. Friedman will have us all on mopeds or solar powered bikes. It is unfortunate that it seems that all of the best oil fields are in bad countries (forgets we get most of our oil from Canada). But his solution is for us to stop using it and let all the other terrible countries in the world to get cheap oil. W1C A2L
The other cartoon was neutral.
Thomas Friedman today. Blames the president for the current oil 'crisis'. Everything is a crisis, disaster, or emergency today. Friedman will have us all on mopeds or solar powered bikes. It is unfortunate that it seems that all of the best oil fields are in bad countries (forgets we get most of our oil from Canada). But his solution is for us to stop using it and let all the other terrible countries in the world to get cheap oil. W1C A2L
April 27
Oh brother, the political cartoon makes fun of old people today. 8^) 1L
Mona Charen was the writer today. Did a bit on vulgarity on TV. She has a lot better articles then this, most of them political. But the IR seems to only publish conservative writers when they are anti-Bush or non-political. W2C A0
C1L W2C A0
Mona Charen was the writer today. Did a bit on vulgarity on TV. She has a lot better articles then this, most of them political. But the IR seems to only publish conservative writers when they are anti-Bush or non-political. W2C A0
C1L W2C A0
April 26
Political cartoon was pretty stupid today. No exit sign while the left does nothing but scream leave. If we can't leave why yell about it. C3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
April 26
Political cartoon was pretty stupid today. No exit sign while the left does nothing but scream leave. If we can't leave why yell about it. C3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
Friday, April 28, 2006
April 25
Cartoon was stupid today (what else is new). The military has plans to use nukes on Washington D.C. if it is taken over. To think that they don't have 100 plans to stop Iran and that some of them don't include nukes is either total stupidity or ignoring reality to support a biased position. C3L
Tom Teepen is rating the US at regime changes around the world. Ignores the fact that most of his examples are democrat attempts in the past. Although he sees a problem with Iran and them having nukes his answer is to wait. I guess that all problems will just go away if you wait long enough, at least that is what the liberals seem to think. Either that or he thinks if we wait a democrat will get in the presidency and save the world thru their inaction. Tom was a little less biased then usual today. W3L A1L
The other writer was local on mental health. No rating.
Tom Teepen is rating the US at regime changes around the world. Ignores the fact that most of his examples are democrat attempts in the past. Although he sees a problem with Iran and them having nukes his answer is to wait. I guess that all problems will just go away if you wait long enough, at least that is what the liberals seem to think. Either that or he thinks if we wait a democrat will get in the presidency and save the world thru their inaction. Tom was a little less biased then usual today. W3L A1L
The other writer was local on mental health. No rating.
April 24
Cartoon was stupid today. Ugly white American immigrants stole Texas. Ignores the fact that the Mexicans (mostly Spanish) were also immigrants who stole the land from the natives. C3L
Mona Charen today. Lays a lot of the problems with immigrants in Mexico's lap. However she only mentions that the Republicans need to fix the problems with Mexico and fails to mention the Democrats. Give this one a W2C and A1C.
Mona has much better articles here http://www.townhall.com/opinion/contributors/monacharen/archive/2006/
Thomas Friedman also wrote today. His article was all about getting college kids (indoctrinate them when they are young) to save us from green house gases. One mention of Al Gore. This article gets a W1L and A1L.
Mona Charen today. Lays a lot of the problems with immigrants in Mexico's lap. However she only mentions that the Republicans need to fix the problems with Mexico and fails to mention the Democrats. Give this one a W2C and A1C.
Mona has much better articles here http://www.townhall.com/opinion/contributors/monacharen/archive/2006/
Thomas Friedman also wrote today. His article was all about getting college kids (indoctrinate them when they are young) to save us from green house gases. One mention of Al Gore. This article gets a W1L and A1L.
April 23
Rate both cartoons a zero today even though the one took a jab at Fox news while totally ignoring CBS bias.
Paul Krugman was at it again. Total anti-Bush rant. Paul definitely has "Bush hatred syndrome". His hatred is so visceral he can imagine nothing else but Bush impeachment and arrest. Paul is a total tool and a liberal propaganda piece. W3L A3L
Today is a perfect example of (in my opinion) the IR's mistaken belief of non-bias. They have two articles today, Paul Krugman and Amy Orser. Paul is on a total rant against Bush and the Iraq war (and everything else) while Orser submits a letter from the mayor of Tall 'Afar, Ninewa, Iraq. The mayor thanks us for our bravery in freeing his country while Krugman calls it a lost war. But Krugman also blames everything on Bush, while the Iraq mayor does not mention Bush once. So even though the mayor supports the actions of this country (and the president) by not mentioning Bush one is left with the deranged hatred of Krugman in our memory. That's why Orser will get a zero rating. Not once in her posting was there a mention of politics. So Krugman's letter is full of bias and Orser's is politically bias free. This is balance at the IR.
Paul Krugman was at it again. Total anti-Bush rant. Paul definitely has "Bush hatred syndrome". His hatred is so visceral he can imagine nothing else but Bush impeachment and arrest. Paul is a total tool and a liberal propaganda piece. W3L A3L
Today is a perfect example of (in my opinion) the IR's mistaken belief of non-bias. They have two articles today, Paul Krugman and Amy Orser. Paul is on a total rant against Bush and the Iraq war (and everything else) while Orser submits a letter from the mayor of Tall 'Afar, Ninewa, Iraq. The mayor thanks us for our bravery in freeing his country while Krugman calls it a lost war. But Krugman also blames everything on Bush, while the Iraq mayor does not mention Bush once. So even though the mayor supports the actions of this country (and the president) by not mentioning Bush one is left with the deranged hatred of Krugman in our memory. That's why Orser will get a zero rating. Not once in her posting was there a mention of politics. So Krugman's letter is full of bias and Orser's is politically bias free. This is balance at the IR.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
April 21
Cartoon today was a cut at the MSM and it's obsession with Katie Couric and her move to CBS. No politics so it gets a zero today.
Ellen Goodman writes about cancer drugs today. Gets a zero.
Thomas Friedman writes about Iran. He thinks that it is better to have a nuclear Iran then have Bush do anything about it. Same old liberal mantra, leave the problem alone, it will fix itself. He thinks that Rumsfeld totally screwed up the Iraq war. He obviously hasn't read any books on WWI or WWII. In war there are great plans, then the shooting starts. Give this one a W3L and A3L
Ellen Goodman writes about cancer drugs today. Gets a zero.
Thomas Friedman writes about Iran. He thinks that it is better to have a nuclear Iran then have Bush do anything about it. Same old liberal mantra, leave the problem alone, it will fix itself. He thinks that Rumsfeld totally screwed up the Iraq war. He obviously hasn't read any books on WWI or WWII. In war there are great plans, then the shooting starts. Give this one a W3L and A3L
April 20
The IR takes a stab at mining and the risks. I wonder if they would be so cavalier if everyone was protesting every time they tried to build a new printing press.
Cartoon was a cut at Enron. Federal regulators were only shown on the sidelines. Wonder who appointed all of those federal regulators and how many were left over from the Clinton administration? Zero rating.
Bob Herbert today. Against the war in Iraq. Lets see, Osama had box cutters, money, and volunteers, what part of that did Saddam lack? Recently released and decoded documents said Saddam was looking for suicide pilots before 9/11. Guess the press can't find that story. Give this article a big W3L and A3L. Seems inadequate for such a propaganda piece.
Cartoon was a cut at Enron. Federal regulators were only shown on the sidelines. Wonder who appointed all of those federal regulators and how many were left over from the Clinton administration? Zero rating.
Bob Herbert today. Against the war in Iraq. Lets see, Osama had box cutters, money, and volunteers, what part of that did Saddam lack? Recently released and decoded documents said Saddam was looking for suicide pilots before 9/11. Guess the press can't find that story. Give this article a big W3L and A3L. Seems inadequate for such a propaganda piece.
April 19
Cartoon was anti-Bush and still ignores Wilson and Plame lies. Give this one a C3L.
David Brooks today. Another case of a semi-conservative writing against Republicans getting published by the IR in my opinion. He says Rumsfeld is past his time and should get out. Give this one a W1C A2L
The other article was by a local writer on the minimum wage. If raising the minimum wage is such a good idea why not go for a real raise,... say $20/hour. That should cure poverty in America shouldn't it? Of course it will completely desimate the retired who won't get a raise but will have to pay for the increased costs caused by the raise. I haven't been looking real hard in the want ads, but what I have seen there was nobody advertising a job at minimum wage. The market place tends to set wages. Artificial set points don't work. But no politics, so no rating.
David Brooks today. Another case of a semi-conservative writing against Republicans getting published by the IR in my opinion. He says Rumsfeld is past his time and should get out. Give this one a W1C A2L
The other article was by a local writer on the minimum wage. If raising the minimum wage is such a good idea why not go for a real raise,... say $20/hour. That should cure poverty in America shouldn't it? Of course it will completely desimate the retired who won't get a raise but will have to pay for the increased costs caused by the raise. I haven't been looking real hard in the want ads, but what I have seen there was nobody advertising a job at minimum wage. The market place tends to set wages. Artificial set points don't work. But no politics, so no rating.
April 18
Political cartoon is how the Republicans are bashing Bush on the immigration problem. Which is true, they are positioning themselves for the '06 elections. Cartoon should have included the Democrats in the picture as they are bashing Bush too. C2L
I am getting so tired of Paul Krugman. Blames global warming on Exxon. Fails to mention that half of all global warming occurred before 1950 or that global warming as caused by man is still a theory. Also leaves out how global warming is occurring on Mars, I'm sure that is man caused too, must be all those rovers on Mars. Thinks Exxon should not have a different opinion and should not have backed people who didn't believe in global warming, guess freedom of speech is a liberal right only. He only mentions Bush near the end of the article so this one gets a W3L A1L.
I am getting so tired of Paul Krugman. Blames global warming on Exxon. Fails to mention that half of all global warming occurred before 1950 or that global warming as caused by man is still a theory. Also leaves out how global warming is occurring on Mars, I'm sure that is man caused too, must be all those rovers on Mars. Thinks Exxon should not have a different opinion and should not have backed people who didn't believe in global warming, guess freedom of speech is a liberal right only. He only mentions Bush near the end of the article so this one gets a W3L A1L.
April 17
Well the cartoon was about Tom Delay and ethics. Too bad the media doesn't like to mention all the democrats that are in trouble too. C3L
Nicholas Kristof today. Want to start a food police network to stop us from drinking too much soda pop. Liberals all for freedom of choice as long as they can control it. However he didn't mention political parties so this one although highly liberal gets a zero for the day.
Nicholas Kristof today. Want to start a food police network to stop us from drinking too much soda pop. Liberals all for freedom of choice as long as they can control it. However he didn't mention political parties so this one although highly liberal gets a zero for the day.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
April 16
April 15 was a Saturday.
Two political cartoons today. One is fairly neutral showing Rep and Dems arguing about nothing while the real problems are ignored. The other is about Dafuer, guess they want us to invade. C2L.
George Will got posted today. And guess what, he has something bad to say about Republicans, what a surprise. Several things I found wrong with the article. That the McCain-Fiengold act should not be abolished, he thinks it should continue, even though Dems have found ways around it even better then Rep. So if everybody is cheating maybe it was wrong it the first place. He also makes a dumb statement about how the fairness doctrine has some how caused conservatives to rule talk radio. No, it's because even liberals don't listen to Air America. Some how free speech isn't correct unless you force an even balance of listeners. W1C A2L
Two political cartoons today. One is fairly neutral showing Rep and Dems arguing about nothing while the real problems are ignored. The other is about Dafuer, guess they want us to invade. C2L.
George Will got posted today. And guess what, he has something bad to say about Republicans, what a surprise. Several things I found wrong with the article. That the McCain-Fiengold act should not be abolished, he thinks it should continue, even though Dems have found ways around it even better then Rep. So if everybody is cheating maybe it was wrong it the first place. He also makes a dumb statement about how the fairness doctrine has some how caused conservatives to rule talk radio. No, it's because even liberals don't listen to Air America. Some how free speech isn't correct unless you force an even balance of listeners. W1C A2L
April 14
Political cartoon was condescending today. It just said that Americans are afraid to work. NO politics though.
Thomas Freidmand today. It looks like he doesn't believe in principals. Thinks we should abandon them to achieve peace in Palestine. Some how if we do this they will stop fighting Israel. Like that has worked so far. W1L A1L.
W1L A1L.
Thomas Freidmand today. It looks like he doesn't believe in principals. Thinks we should abandon them to achieve peace in Palestine. Some how if we do this they will stop fighting Israel. Like that has worked so far. W1L A1L.
W1L A1L.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
April 13
Well the political cartoon today receives a zero. Well balanced even.
George Will is the writer today. Surprise, the MSM turns on McCain when he lets them know that under all of the proselytizing he might actually be a republican. I actually think he's a democrat or at the very least a poll chaser in the same style as the Clinton's, Kerry and Gore. Whatever the polls say is the way they blow. This is really quite a lame attempt to push McCain as the republican's only chance in the '08 elections. I think not. I would only support McCain if he ran against Hillary. W1C A1L
George Will is the writer today. Surprise, the MSM turns on McCain when he lets them know that under all of the proselytizing he might actually be a republican. I actually think he's a democrat or at the very least a poll chaser in the same style as the Clinton's, Kerry and Gore. Whatever the polls say is the way they blow. This is really quite a lame attempt to push McCain as the republican's only chance in the '08 elections. I think not. I would only support McCain if he ran against Hillary. W1C A1L
April 12
I normally don't cover the rest of the paper, but,... the writer for the article on the front page about Iran enriching uranium almost sounds happy they did it. I mean there wasn't one thing he noted about it being bad and the headline is 'God is great'. I beginning to think that even the IR is for the US's downfall.
Well the political cartoon was not political at all today. If anything it was anti-feminist. I guess the writer was trying to say Katie Couric is too cute to be a reporter. While I think she is just to liberally biased to head the evening news. But then she would be working for CBS who brought us Dan Rather who believes that you have to prove your innocence when he attacks you.
I have started to notice something about the articles in the 'Reeders Alley' section. Multi-mailings from the left. Watch how you will see several articles on the same subject (with a considerable liberal bias) all being posted on the same day. Today the postings were about a liberal fiction piece on how the military industrial complex starts all the wars. Paranoia and conspiracy theories seem abundant from the left, why they even may be contagious. I'm beginning to think these are planed.
Well the political cartoon was not political at all today. If anything it was anti-feminist. I guess the writer was trying to say Katie Couric is too cute to be a reporter. While I think she is just to liberally biased to head the evening news. But then she would be working for CBS who brought us Dan Rather who believes that you have to prove your innocence when he attacks you.
I have started to notice something about the articles in the 'Reeders Alley' section. Multi-mailings from the left. Watch how you will see several articles on the same subject (with a considerable liberal bias) all being posted on the same day. Today the postings were about a liberal fiction piece on how the military industrial complex starts all the wars. Paranoia and conspiracy theories seem abundant from the left, why they even may be contagious. I'm beginning to think these are planed.
April 11
Political cartoon got a 3L today.
Tom Teepen was the OP-ED writer today. He blames Bush for leaks (they are not leaks if the president declassifies them). Yet he totally ignores the lies of Wilson and Plame. Wilson was proven to have not only lied about who sent him and what he found but also his wife must have helped in the lack of protocol not be observed in him not signing a confidentiality agreement. Wilson support of John Kerry for president was also ignored. Another trash article. W3L A3L.
OP-ED by Deborah Smith was in my opinion total idiocy. Right from the first she shows her bias by saying it is wrong to make criminals out of illegal aliens, excuse me. Only from a lawyer could you get the double-speak. She then calls them 'unauthorized population', I guess that guy in your house stealing your TV is an 'unauthorized house guest'. She also talks about due process protections, for "ILLEGAL ALIENS". Wm Shakespeare was right. W3L A3L.
Tom Teepen was the OP-ED writer today. He blames Bush for leaks (they are not leaks if the president declassifies them). Yet he totally ignores the lies of Wilson and Plame. Wilson was proven to have not only lied about who sent him and what he found but also his wife must have helped in the lack of protocol not be observed in him not signing a confidentiality agreement. Wilson support of John Kerry for president was also ignored. Another trash article. W3L A3L.
OP-ED by Deborah Smith was in my opinion total idiocy. Right from the first she shows her bias by saying it is wrong to make criminals out of illegal aliens, excuse me. Only from a lawyer could you get the double-speak. She then calls them 'unauthorized population', I guess that guy in your house stealing your TV is an 'unauthorized house guest'. She also talks about due process protections, for "ILLEGAL ALIENS". Wm Shakespeare was right. W3L A3L.
Friday, April 14, 2006
April 9
Political cartoon was trying to be humorous and liberal and instead showed how we are using illegal immigrants to keep American wages down. 2L. The other cartoon got a zero.
Ellen Goodman is leading the retreat of the MSM circling the wagons while they lose the war against blogs. She shows her total lack of knowledge of blogs by using the Jill Carroll case of jumping to conclusions. As opposed to the highly regulated MSM who's reporters have been caught lying and faking the news. It is hard to defend the MSM when they accuracy is also questionable. She doesn't understand that blogs are uncensored raw immediate news as opposed to the MSM which is highly edited liberally biased hyper news. Ever notice how everything the MSM writes about is a disaster about to happen. Give this one a W3L and article a 0. Thought I was going to say liberal didn't you. Although she showed bias by trying to say Trent Lott was a racist while not saying Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were liars, she didn't blame anything on Bush or republicans.
Thomas Friedman was the other writer today. While trying to say we have spent too much on the Iraq war he blames Rumsfeld for doing the war on the cheap. He also derides Rumsfeld statement that war is not static and strategy has to constantly change. So while saying the war is not going to succeed and costs too much it is because we didn't' spend enough,.... ? Give this one a W2L and A2L.
Ellen Goodman is leading the retreat of the MSM circling the wagons while they lose the war against blogs. She shows her total lack of knowledge of blogs by using the Jill Carroll case of jumping to conclusions. As opposed to the highly regulated MSM who's reporters have been caught lying and faking the news. It is hard to defend the MSM when they accuracy is also questionable. She doesn't understand that blogs are uncensored raw immediate news as opposed to the MSM which is highly edited liberally biased hyper news. Ever notice how everything the MSM writes about is a disaster about to happen. Give this one a W3L and article a 0. Thought I was going to say liberal didn't you. Although she showed bias by trying to say Trent Lott was a racist while not saying Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were liars, she didn't blame anything on Bush or republicans.
Thomas Friedman was the other writer today. While trying to say we have spent too much on the Iraq war he blames Rumsfeld for doing the war on the cheap. He also derides Rumsfeld statement that war is not static and strategy has to constantly change. So while saying the war is not going to succeed and costs too much it is because we didn't' spend enough,.... ? Give this one a W2L and A2L.
April 7
Political cartoon gets a 3L today. GOP is the hates illegal immigrants! Only the great and wonderful democrats love them. Talk about biased opinion.
Tom Teepen thinks were are afraid of Mexicans because most of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. He can't understand why we get upset when we have to push "1" to get the English menu on help lines. Guess we should be able to pick and choose. I personally want "7" to be Norwegian. Everybody should be allowed to have their own language spoken here I guess. That should make for a Fractured States of America. The USA does have a checkered past on immigration. That nasty thing with the Japanese by FDR. Give this one a W3L and article 1L. He didn't blame Bush and he actually almost came out for Bush's proposal on immigration.
David Brooks also wrote on immigration today. Although he didn't really support the republicans he did bring up how it is the democrats trying to appease unions who couldn't support a compromise. Democrats are hoping to get the "illegal immigrant vote" in the next election which really leaves them high centered. Give this one a writer of 1C and article of 1C.
Tom Teepen thinks were are afraid of Mexicans because most of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. He can't understand why we get upset when we have to push "1" to get the English menu on help lines. Guess we should be able to pick and choose. I personally want "7" to be Norwegian. Everybody should be allowed to have their own language spoken here I guess. That should make for a Fractured States of America. The USA does have a checkered past on immigration. That nasty thing with the Japanese by FDR. Give this one a W3L and article 1L. He didn't blame Bush and he actually almost came out for Bush's proposal on immigration.
David Brooks also wrote on immigration today. Although he didn't really support the republicans he did bring up how it is the democrats trying to appease unions who couldn't support a compromise. Democrats are hoping to get the "illegal immigrant vote" in the next election which really leaves them high centered. Give this one a writer of 1C and article of 1C.
April 6
Political cartoon gets a 3L today. The attack on Rumsfeld by the media continues.
Thomas Friedman was the OP-ED writer today. He wants the republicans to create a balanced reform of immigration to improve the intellectual intelligence of immigrants. To bad Teddy Kennedy got a law passed the favors poor illiterate immigrants and limits intelligent European immigrants. He has absolutely nothing to say about any democrat immigration proposals, ... But then are their any? Usually a liberal writer who almost sounds midline today. W2L A0.
The other OP-ED article was for abandoning Iraq, she says she wants to form a dialog but the only thing she wants to discuss is when to get out. She implies that all of the previous decisions made about Iraq were wrong and that we can't trust those 'same' people to continue. The IR lists her as a former nurse. So we now have the IR endorsing a nurse's opinion on how to run Iraq. I feel there is more to this. But wait, this is the same person who opposes the patriot act but who is not led by the ACLU, according to her. She is a member of the Helena Patriot committee who got the City commission to pass a stupid resolution. Odd why every anti-Bush committee has a patriotic name. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L and an extra point for each because the IR didn't list her anti-war stance or fully disclose her political leanings for the article but instead only listed her nursing career and her Vietnam service.
C3L W2L A0 W4L A4L
Thomas Friedman was the OP-ED writer today. He wants the republicans to create a balanced reform of immigration to improve the intellectual intelligence of immigrants. To bad Teddy Kennedy got a law passed the favors poor illiterate immigrants and limits intelligent European immigrants. He has absolutely nothing to say about any democrat immigration proposals, ... But then are their any? Usually a liberal writer who almost sounds midline today. W2L A0.
The other OP-ED article was for abandoning Iraq, she says she wants to form a dialog but the only thing she wants to discuss is when to get out. She implies that all of the previous decisions made about Iraq were wrong and that we can't trust those 'same' people to continue. The IR lists her as a former nurse. So we now have the IR endorsing a nurse's opinion on how to run Iraq. I feel there is more to this. But wait, this is the same person who opposes the patriot act but who is not led by the ACLU, according to her. She is a member of the Helena Patriot committee who got the City commission to pass a stupid resolution. Odd why every anti-Bush committee has a patriotic name. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L and an extra point for each because the IR didn't list her anti-war stance or fully disclose her political leanings for the article but instead only listed her nursing career and her Vietnam service.
C3L W2L A0 W4L A4L
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
April 5
Political cartoon gets a 3L today. When will they ever learn that the choice of who serves the president is the presidents.
Paul Krugman is worried that illegal immigrant wont have the right to vote. The real reason democrats are pushing for illegal immigrants. Vote for us or the bad republicans will throw you out. I guess they will take votes from anyone, alive or dead. w3L A2L (I gave the article a little off the liberal bias because he also wasn't happy with Teddy Kennedy)
No comment on the Travis McAdam OP-ED. It was not on national politics. It is a shame that Montana does seem to attract extremists.
Paul Krugman is worried that illegal immigrant wont have the right to vote. The real reason democrats are pushing for illegal immigrants. Vote for us or the bad republicans will throw you out. I guess they will take votes from anyone, alive or dead. w3L A2L (I gave the article a little off the liberal bias because he also wasn't happy with Teddy Kennedy)
No comment on the Travis McAdam OP-ED. It was not on national politics. It is a shame that Montana does seem to attract extremists.
April 4
Cartoon gets a 3L today. If the media just keeps hoping enough maybe they will get their civil war in Iraq.
Tom Teepen thinks he is a constitutional lawyer today. Funny how the liberals keep forgetting Jimmy Carters little indiscretions or Bill Clinton's on what powers the president really has. So even though the congress knows it can't challenge Bush the media keeps pushing. The democrats keep running from censure for a reason, they know they will lose. W3L A3L
Tom Teepen thinks he is a constitutional lawyer today. Funny how the liberals keep forgetting Jimmy Carters little indiscretions or Bill Clinton's on what powers the president really has. So even though the congress knows it can't challenge Bush the media keeps pushing. The democrats keep running from censure for a reason, they know they will lose. W3L A3L
Monday, April 10, 2006
April 3
What is wrong with Tom Teepen, he actually had something nice to say about Bush. Guess it just goes to show how diversified the immigration problem is. Give this one a W3L and an article A2C.
Political cartoon is 3L.
George Will wrote about Bush being write on the immigration bill. W2C article 3C.
The only thing I can figure is that the IR must agree with Bush on the immigration bill he proposed. Since Bush was in the middle I guess this should come as no surprise that the IR might actually find something they might agree with Bush on.
Political cartoon is 3L.
George Will wrote about Bush being write on the immigration bill. W2C article 3C.
The only thing I can figure is that the IR must agree with Bush on the immigration bill he proposed. Since Bush was in the middle I guess this should come as no surprise that the IR might actually find something they might agree with Bush on.
April 2
Well it's a new month for the IR. April Fools day was Saturday, too bad, the IR should have had OP-ED articles that day.
Well right off the editors opinion article is in my opinion foolish. Just how will the world stop people like Ted Kaczynski. Maybe a cop in every living room. To think that somehow anyone can prevent these types of crimes is ludicrous. Not even with a psychologist and a cop in every living room in the country.
Tom Friedman writes how the war is going badly, like the NY Times would have any other opinion. Give this one a Writer 2L and article 3L.
Political cartoon is of course trying to equate terrorism with survival and showing how they are equal. Moral relativism at its worst, 3L rating.
Well right off the editors opinion article is in my opinion foolish. Just how will the world stop people like Ted Kaczynski. Maybe a cop in every living room. To think that somehow anyone can prevent these types of crimes is ludicrous. Not even with a psychologist and a cop in every living room in the country.
Tom Friedman writes how the war is going badly, like the NY Times would have any other opinion. Give this one a Writer 2L and article 3L.
Political cartoon is of course trying to equate terrorism with survival and showing how they are equal. Moral relativism at its worst, 3L rating.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
March Roundup
Well I reviewed the OP-ED's for March.
I was surprised that there were 18 liberal and 15 conservative postings. I thought it would be more lopsided. This would probably be why the IR thinks it is middle of the road, fair and balanced. They most look at just the number of writers.
However when you look at the bias of the writers that is where you start to see the differences. Paul Krugman (77 lib), Tom Teepin, and Bob Hubert (63 lib) are all heavy hitters and excessively biased. Several of the writers were listed at www.lyinginponds.com which I use, so I won't be accused of bias. While G. Will (5 con) and D. Brooks (2 con) are almost totally neutral when it comes to bias. Looking at this the IR must conclude that they are far right columnists and are equally balanced with the far left writers. This would put the IR at about 55 liberal rating for OP-ED's using just the bias rating of the writers. However when you also look at what the pundits were writing about and rate those stories then you really start to have the IR lean left. Adding the writer rating and the article rating and totaling them then I get a 84% bias for liberal OP-ED's. This even exceeds Paul Krugman who is so liberal that he leads or is near the top of the pack for several years at lyinginponds.
The political cartoons came out at 90% liberal bias. This really came as no surprise as the cartoons are almost always about the current administration. Wish I would have kept track of this when Clinton was President.
Mean while I still await conservative writers like Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and David Limbaugh to appear in the IR, I'm afraid it will be a long, long, long wait.
I was surprised that there were 18 liberal and 15 conservative postings. I thought it would be more lopsided. This would probably be why the IR thinks it is middle of the road, fair and balanced. They most look at just the number of writers.
However when you look at the bias of the writers that is where you start to see the differences. Paul Krugman (77 lib), Tom Teepin, and Bob Hubert (63 lib) are all heavy hitters and excessively biased. Several of the writers were listed at www.lyinginponds.com which I use, so I won't be accused of bias. While G. Will (5 con) and D. Brooks (2 con) are almost totally neutral when it comes to bias. Looking at this the IR must conclude that they are far right columnists and are equally balanced with the far left writers. This would put the IR at about 55 liberal rating for OP-ED's using just the bias rating of the writers. However when you also look at what the pundits were writing about and rate those stories then you really start to have the IR lean left. Adding the writer rating and the article rating and totaling them then I get a 84% bias for liberal OP-ED's. This even exceeds Paul Krugman who is so liberal that he leads or is near the top of the pack for several years at lyinginponds.
The political cartoons came out at 90% liberal bias. This really came as no surprise as the cartoons are almost always about the current administration. Wish I would have kept track of this when Clinton was President.
Mean while I still await conservative writers like Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and David Limbaugh to appear in the IR, I'm afraid it will be a long, long, long wait.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
March 31
Ellen Goodman is after the republicans over Terry Shivo and doctor assisted suicide. One question for Goodman, if Terry was brain dead and couldn't feel anything then why after the court decree didn't they immediately take her to a creamatorian and throw her in? She was dead wasn't she? She couldn't feel could she? Or are they trying to justify their view of the world. Writer gets a 3L and the article gets a 2L.
Political cartoon gets a 2C today. I know they didn't mean to. But it is a real hit on science and how just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
The other article was local about forests. It did mention Clinton but basically said that our forests need to be managed by experts, not emotional fools. No rating.
Well this ends the month. Now I add up all the scores to see how the IR ranks, liberal, conservative, or balanced. Now that I have a whole month to show for balance I will start on individual articles on the OP-ED page and maybe cover a few of their articles.
Political cartoon gets a 2C today. I know they didn't mean to. But it is a real hit on science and how just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
The other article was local about forests. It did mention Clinton but basically said that our forests need to be managed by experts, not emotional fools. No rating.
Well this ends the month. Now I add up all the scores to see how the IR ranks, liberal, conservative, or balanced. Now that I have a whole month to show for balance I will start on individual articles on the OP-ED page and maybe cover a few of their articles.
March 30
Kathleen Parker was in the IR today. She writes about immigrants today. Seems like a well balanced article. She is so neutral for the most part I give her a zero and the article a zero. Some may disagree but I don't see where she really blames anybody or gets political in this article.
David Brooks was also in the IR today. Basically compared Bush to Lincoln and noted Bush's faults. Give this one a 1C for writer and 1L for article.
Political cartoon got a 2L today.
David Brooks was also in the IR today. Basically compared Bush to Lincoln and noted Bush's faults. Give this one a 1C for writer and 1L for article.
Political cartoon got a 2L today.
March 28
Paul Krugman leads today. I am so tired of this boring ultra liberal writer. I noticed in his article that he thinks all immigrants need to immediately be given health care and also states the US is a welfare state. At least in his vision of this country. He manages to blame Bush for some things while completely ignoring Democrats and their lack of a plan. After his whole article I still can't tell if he is for or against immigration. Give this one a 3L for writer and 2L for article.
Cartoon got a 1L today.
Cartoon got a 1L today.
March 27
George Will is writing about a race in Ohio and how he believes it is key in the upcoming elections. Kind of a oh look out doom is coming, maybe sorta. Give this one a 1C for writer and 1L for article.
Ellen Goodman writes about homosexual adoptions. In her world the Catholic church most bow to her view of the world even if it is a sin for the church. Seperation of church and state till they want it otherwise I guess. Wish she would condemn Muslims on their homophobic views on adoption. Since it was not about US politics I didn't rate this highly liberal article.
Cartoon got a neutral today. I wonder if liberals would find it funny if Saddam was substituted for Milosevic.
Ellen Goodman writes about homosexual adoptions. In her world the Catholic church most bow to her view of the world even if it is a sin for the church. Seperation of church and state till they want it otherwise I guess. Wish she would condemn Muslims on their homophobic views on adoption. Since it was not about US politics I didn't rate this highly liberal article.
Cartoon got a neutral today. I wonder if liberals would find it funny if Saddam was substituted for Milosevic.
March 26
March 25 was Saturday, no opinions.
Thomas Friedman was completely neutral today. So I didn't rate it.
Bob Herbert was his usual biased self. From declaring the war entirely Bush's in the first sentence. All he does is bring up the cost of the war in Iraq. I guess we will have to have a budget analysis before we ever go to war again. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article plus anti-Bush. I hope he decides to look at the war on poverty next to see how much this foolishness has cost us, maybe he can talk the liberals into dropping it because of the high cost.
Cartoon was a 3L today.
Thomas Friedman was completely neutral today. So I didn't rate it.
Bob Herbert was his usual biased self. From declaring the war entirely Bush's in the first sentence. All he does is bring up the cost of the war in Iraq. I guess we will have to have a budget analysis before we ever go to war again. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article plus anti-Bush. I hope he decides to look at the war on poverty next to see how much this foolishness has cost us, maybe he can talk the liberals into dropping it because of the high cost.
Cartoon was a 3L today.
March 24
First OP-ED is David Brooks. All he did was complain about what direction the Republicans were going. Didn't mention the Democrats are running in place. Another example of the IR publishing a conservative when he says bad things about conservatives. Give this one a 1C for writer and 2L for article.
Paul Krugman was in usual form today. He decried the conservatives for not bashing Bush on what he thinks is the real things they should bash him on. So he ends up bashing not only Bush but those conservatives that attack Bush. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article plush anti-Bush.
Political cartoon got a 1L today.
Paul Krugman was in usual form today. He decried the conservatives for not bashing Bush on what he thinks is the real things they should bash him on. So he ends up bashing not only Bush but those conservatives that attack Bush. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article plush anti-Bush.
Political cartoon got a 1L today.
March 23
Well if it isn't Maureen Dowd writing today. Still spouting about how the FBI failed to crack the 9/11 plot while forgetting that they would have had to violate Clinton's rules on investigations and racially profile an Arab. Wish she would go back to writing about how she hates men. Give her a 3L and her article a 3L plus anti-Bush.
Political cartoon was a 3L.
Will note that the IR is now in the legal profession by their comments today. They have already passed judgment on the legality of some initiatives being proposed. Maybe we should just get rid of the State Supreme Court, the IR has already made it's degree.
Political cartoon was a 3L.
Will note that the IR is now in the legal profession by their comments today. They have already passed judgment on the legality of some initiatives being proposed. Maybe we should just get rid of the State Supreme Court, the IR has already made it's degree.
Friday, March 31, 2006
March 22
Mona Charen is our writer today. I usually like her writing and she does an excellent job today. She writes about a Syrian woman who has more courage than most Americans. She stands up to an Egyptian professor on Al-Jazeera TV and talks him down knowing full well that she could be murdered for what she says. Give this article a 2C for writer, a zero for article (no mention of Dems or Reps) and a 100 for freedom everywhere.
Political cartoon gets a zero for the day as it doesn't single out either party although democrats rallied around the anti-ports deal and republicans looking for re-election also jumped ship. That the proportion was more democrat went unnoticed.
Political cartoon gets a zero for the day as it doesn't single out either party although democrats rallied around the anti-ports deal and republicans looking for re-election also jumped ship. That the proportion was more democrat went unnoticed.
March 21
Kathleen Parker is in today. I usually like her writing. Today was pretty good about how shoving gay rights down everyone's throat actually hurts adoption in America. The Catholic church rather than being forced to have gays adopt children is getting out of the adoption business. Score 1 for gay rights and a -100 for children. Give this one a 1C for writer and 1C for article. IR doesn't seem to like to publish her if she is pro Bush and this article didn't even mention him.
Fred Thomas a local legislator defends deregulation of the power company in MT. Doubt anyone will read it, they already have their minds made up. Did a pretty good job of defense if you ask me. Since he is republican he gets a 2C (not vitriolic enough for a 3) and his article gets a zero as it seems balanced and only mentions democratic support of this bill.
Political cartoon gets a 2L.
Normally I don't rate the 100 or so other articles in the paper since the IR gets it's stories from news services it doesn't have to much control. But that photo on page 2 of the guy hitting himself on the head sure looks photoshoped to me. I doubt any Muslim would us a knife that said "US saber" on it. Sure would like to have the original picture.
Fred Thomas a local legislator defends deregulation of the power company in MT. Doubt anyone will read it, they already have their minds made up. Did a pretty good job of defense if you ask me. Since he is republican he gets a 2C (not vitriolic enough for a 3) and his article gets a zero as it seems balanced and only mentions democratic support of this bill.
Political cartoon gets a 2L.
Normally I don't rate the 100 or so other articles in the paper since the IR gets it's stories from news services it doesn't have to much control. But that photo on page 2 of the guy hitting himself on the head sure looks photoshoped to me. I doubt any Muslim would us a knife that said "US saber" on it. Sure would like to have the original picture.
March 20
The article from David Brooks today was anti-war and kinda anti-Bush sorta. Brooks was stating how all the pundints were right about the war and all of the Washington bureaucrats were wrong. Brooks conservative rating is so low I'm giving him a zero and his article a 1L.
Cartoon was a definite 3L. Cheney is part of a political junta with Bush (had to put a portrait of him in military uniform in the background) thrown in for poor tasted. While poor old Plame is poor innocent victim. Can't wait for Libby's trial.
Cartoon was a definite 3L. Cheney is part of a political junta with Bush (had to put a portrait of him in military uniform in the background) thrown in for poor tasted. While poor old Plame is poor innocent victim. Can't wait for Libby's trial.
March 18, Saturday, no OP-ED's
March 19,
George Will the moderate conservative posted today. Urged Bush to get going on Iran while whining about Iraq. Although he is trying to give instructions to Bush he also faults him too. IR selecting an OP-ED piece with damning praise. Give this one 1C for writer and 1C for article.
Political cartoon were a little offhanded. Kind of a cut on India's nuclear program and another cut on N. Dakota's stab at banning abortion using the Mt. Rushmore monument as the pretender of American rights. Somehow I don't think one president on Mt Rushmore would approve of abortion yet the cartoon implies that. Give both cartoons a 2L with no references to Bush.
The other OP-ED is against establishing a gang treatment facility in Helena. Everyone wants to get rid of their garbage, no one wants a dump in their back yard.
George Will the moderate conservative posted today. Urged Bush to get going on Iran while whining about Iraq. Although he is trying to give instructions to Bush he also faults him too. IR selecting an OP-ED piece with damning praise. Give this one 1C for writer and 1C for article.
Political cartoon were a little offhanded. Kind of a cut on India's nuclear program and another cut on N. Dakota's stab at banning abortion using the Mt. Rushmore monument as the pretender of American rights. Somehow I don't think one president on Mt Rushmore would approve of abortion yet the cartoon implies that. Give both cartoons a 2L with no references to Bush.
The other OP-ED is against establishing a gang treatment facility in Helena. Everyone wants to get rid of their garbage, no one wants a dump in their back yard.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
March 17
George Will is the featured OP-ED writer today. Another conservative writer with a neutral or negative view of the president. Today's article is on the line item veto. Although it might be a good idea it is not really workable with the constitution. Presidents just need to send back those budget bills back to congress till they get it right. A few comments on the pork included and how it should be removed might shame congress into correcting the problems. Of course I could be wrong, it could be impossible to shame congress. Give this article a 2C for writer and zero for article.
The 'Your Turn' was local so got no rating.
The political cartoon was anti-Bush and liberal, give it a 3L. How anybody can compare Iran trying to get nuclear bombs to destroy Isreal and Bush trying to monitor and control India's already operating nuclear program and see them as the same shows a totally stupid view of the world.
George Will is the featured OP-ED writer today. Another conservative writer with a neutral or negative view of the president. Today's article is on the line item veto. Although it might be a good idea it is not really workable with the constitution. Presidents just need to send back those budget bills back to congress till they get it right. A few comments on the pork included and how it should be removed might shame congress into correcting the problems. Of course I could be wrong, it could be impossible to shame congress. Give this article a 2C for writer and zero for article.
The 'Your Turn' was local so got no rating.
The political cartoon was anti-Bush and liberal, give it a 3L. How anybody can compare Iran trying to get nuclear bombs to destroy Isreal and Bush trying to monitor and control India's already operating nuclear program and see them as the same shows a totally stupid view of the world.
March 16
Well the IR opinion was quite interesting today. I don't use them for ratings. Today's article was homeless. The article made an accidental statement on hospital care in the US. The liberal view is that we need a national health care system. But right in this article was a statement on how the needy do revive health care, in emergency rooms. The poor do receive health care in the US. It is only the working people who have to pay for it.
Well the IR's favorite writer is in today. Teepin writes about N. Dakota and their vote on abortion. Funny how choice is only a one way street. If you choose to kill children that is choice, if you choose not to that is not choice. This is an example of how liberal in the East states want to choose the rules for all of the country. Give this one a 3L for writer and 2L for article and somehow he didn't get a jab in on Bush, amazing.
The other OP-ED was a local writer trying to take more Montana land and give it the Feds. I am suspicious of this land grab because Clinton supported it. How come we never see the government trying to take huge sections of land in the Eastern states and trying to make them nationally protected. I say every state should have the same amount of protected property reserved for the public. Lets see 50% of New York converted to wilderness reserves. Although it is a liberal view I won't rate this one as I don't know enough about the writer or the subject to be sure.
The political cartoon was definitely anti-Bush and liberal, give it a 3L.
Well the IR opinion was quite interesting today. I don't use them for ratings. Today's article was homeless. The article made an accidental statement on hospital care in the US. The liberal view is that we need a national health care system. But right in this article was a statement on how the needy do revive health care, in emergency rooms. The poor do receive health care in the US. It is only the working people who have to pay for it.
Well the IR's favorite writer is in today. Teepin writes about N. Dakota and their vote on abortion. Funny how choice is only a one way street. If you choose to kill children that is choice, if you choose not to that is not choice. This is an example of how liberal in the East states want to choose the rules for all of the country. Give this one a 3L for writer and 2L for article and somehow he didn't get a jab in on Bush, amazing.
The other OP-ED was a local writer trying to take more Montana land and give it the Feds. I am suspicious of this land grab because Clinton supported it. How come we never see the government trying to take huge sections of land in the Eastern states and trying to make them nationally protected. I say every state should have the same amount of protected property reserved for the public. Lets see 50% of New York converted to wilderness reserves. Although it is a liberal view I won't rate this one as I don't know enough about the writer or the subject to be sure.
The political cartoon was definitely anti-Bush and liberal, give it a 3L.
March 15
pretty neutral today. A local was the only OP-ED writer and his article was on a local book club at the library.
Political cartoon was a cheap shot at Anna Nicole Smith.
'As Others See it' was a stupid comment on the military and Katrina. Somehow liberals forget that the national guard is a military group and not a 911 rescue group, that's why we give them guns and train them to kill people and break things.
Give today a neutral.
pretty neutral today. A local was the only OP-ED writer and his article was on a local book club at the library.
Political cartoon was a cheap shot at Anna Nicole Smith.
'As Others See it' was a stupid comment on the military and Katrina. Somehow liberals forget that the national guard is a military group and not a 911 rescue group, that's why we give them guns and train them to kill people and break things.
Give today a neutral.
March 14
Wow, an actual article from Mona Charen, wow. Of course she is not writing about Bush. Must be IR policy, only publish conservatives when they aren't for Bush. She does an interesting piece on how liberal policies have set the stage for men demanding their rights on their fetuses, wow, how radical. This one has been coming for years. Women demanding choice while denying choice to the men. Should be interesting in the future. Expect this one to be fought for years. Give this one a 2C for writer and a 1C for article. She didn't mention either party and only her first sentence actually stated it was a liberal created problem.
I really wish the IR would label Democrats when they publish them. It is never noted that Pat Williams is a staunch Democrat at the end of the article where they note his history. So now we have purple states, neither red nor blue. Since their are absolutely NO states that have a totally majority all states are really purple. But if you just want to look at the majority then they are all either red or blue. Dumb premise. Williams picks and chooses from selected polls to play to the liberals. The use of polls (often highly unbalanced depending on how the questions are asked) seem to be the news today. Polls seem to be taken to create a news story. And if polls are so great maybe we should just take polls and run the country according to the results. Give this article a 3L for writer and 3L and anti-Bush for writer.
Political cartoon and small OP-ED were some what neutral for today.
Wow, an actual article from Mona Charen, wow. Of course she is not writing about Bush. Must be IR policy, only publish conservatives when they aren't for Bush. She does an interesting piece on how liberal policies have set the stage for men demanding their rights on their fetuses, wow, how radical. This one has been coming for years. Women demanding choice while denying choice to the men. Should be interesting in the future. Expect this one to be fought for years. Give this one a 2C for writer and a 1C for article. She didn't mention either party and only her first sentence actually stated it was a liberal created problem.
I really wish the IR would label Democrats when they publish them. It is never noted that Pat Williams is a staunch Democrat at the end of the article where they note his history. So now we have purple states, neither red nor blue. Since their are absolutely NO states that have a totally majority all states are really purple. But if you just want to look at the majority then they are all either red or blue. Dumb premise. Williams picks and chooses from selected polls to play to the liberals. The use of polls (often highly unbalanced depending on how the questions are asked) seem to be the news today. Polls seem to be taken to create a news story. And if polls are so great maybe we should just take polls and run the country according to the results. Give this article a 3L for writer and 3L and anti-Bush for writer.
Political cartoon and small OP-ED were some what neutral for today.
March 13,
Bob Herbert is the featured OP-ED writer today. His article is on child neglect. Tough subject with no good answers. Herbert's answer seems to be more government intervention. I don't think the liberals will be happy till they take over all child rearing from birth. Whatever the answer I don't know if there is a solution. It's been around as long as mankind and nobody has found a solution yet. Give this one a 3L for the writer and a zero for the article. He didn't even try to blame it on Bush.
George Will's article is on Barry Bonds. IR only seems to publish conservative OP-ED writers when they don't have anything to say about Bush. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Political cartoon (I don't even count Doonesbury, it is always liberal) is actually balanced today. Both sides have shown their stupid racist side on the ports deal. They both jumped on the deal without really knowing what was going on. Give this one a zero for liberal vs conservative.
Bob Herbert is the featured OP-ED writer today. His article is on child neglect. Tough subject with no good answers. Herbert's answer seems to be more government intervention. I don't think the liberals will be happy till they take over all child rearing from birth. Whatever the answer I don't know if there is a solution. It's been around as long as mankind and nobody has found a solution yet. Give this one a 3L for the writer and a zero for the article. He didn't even try to blame it on Bush.
George Will's article is on Barry Bonds. IR only seems to publish conservative OP-ED writers when they don't have anything to say about Bush. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Political cartoon (I don't even count Doonesbury, it is always liberal) is actually balanced today. Both sides have shown their stupid racist side on the ports deal. They both jumped on the deal without really knowing what was going on. Give this one a zero for liberal vs conservative.
March 12
Well if it isn't Paul Krugman day again. Second most favorite OP-ED writer for the IR. I think Tom Teppin is first.
He is changing tactics today and going after Bush on fiscal policies. To bad the Congress is totally innocent,... oh yeah, I forgot, they have to pass the budget and send it back to Bush.
Krugman keeps stating that Bush lied as if this is a truism (propaganda term) without offering proof. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L, plus anti-Bush. Boy that Krugman is consistent.
Political cartoon gets a 3L and anti-Bush too. The other cartoon is on health so it is neutral for today.
The 'Your Turn' article is on how political correctness has gone overboard,.... again, so it is neutral as far as directly liberal vs conservative. Although it does sound like it is liberals run amok again.
Well if it isn't Paul Krugman day again. Second most favorite OP-ED writer for the IR. I think Tom Teppin is first.
He is changing tactics today and going after Bush on fiscal policies. To bad the Congress is totally innocent,... oh yeah, I forgot, they have to pass the budget and send it back to Bush.
Krugman keeps stating that Bush lied as if this is a truism (propaganda term) without offering proof. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L, plus anti-Bush. Boy that Krugman is consistent.
Political cartoon gets a 3L and anti-Bush too. The other cartoon is on health so it is neutral for today.
The 'Your Turn' article is on how political correctness has gone overboard,.... again, so it is neutral as far as directly liberal vs conservative. Although it does sound like it is liberals run amok again.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
March 10
E. Goodman was against S. Dakota's attempt to block abortion. I won't get into the abortion debate right now. She of course uses N. Keenan for support, remember her. President of NARAL, the ones who had to retract an anti-Bush article even the liberal couldn't back. Somehow she blames it on Alito and his secret plans. She also conveniently forgets that the Roe in Roe vs Wade is now anti-abortion. It still surprises me how liberals are anti-death penalty but pro-abortion and they don't see a problem with that. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article. How dare those S. Dakotan's disagree with NARAL.
D. Brooks article was on how different styles of teaching lead to certain lifestyles. Somehow he blamed the parents. Since the government runs the schools I find his logic,... Shall we say interesting, but then he is quoting from another writer. Writer gets a 1C and article gets a 1L.
I sure wish the IR would actually publish CONSERVATIVE writers instead of these moderates. At least it would balance all the liberals.
E. Goodman was against S. Dakota's attempt to block abortion. I won't get into the abortion debate right now. She of course uses N. Keenan for support, remember her. President of NARAL, the ones who had to retract an anti-Bush article even the liberal couldn't back. Somehow she blames it on Alito and his secret plans. She also conveniently forgets that the Roe in Roe vs Wade is now anti-abortion. It still surprises me how liberals are anti-death penalty but pro-abortion and they don't see a problem with that. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article. How dare those S. Dakotan's disagree with NARAL.
D. Brooks article was on how different styles of teaching lead to certain lifestyles. Somehow he blamed the parents. Since the government runs the schools I find his logic,... Shall we say interesting, but then he is quoting from another writer. Writer gets a 1C and article gets a 1L.
I sure wish the IR would actually publish CONSERVATIVE writers instead of these moderates. At least it would balance all the liberals.
March 9
Well the front page is another IR hatchet piece. But lets stick with the opinion page. There is just too much for me to cover otherwise.
Well the political cartoon was fairly balanced today. Prejudice looks funny when you switch the characters. Give this one a zero.
Well P. Krugman is back. The most biased political hack the IR publishes. For his rating go to 'lying in ponds' whose link is on the left side of the page. Still spouting off about how bad the economy is (for an economist he really should look at some of the articles the NYT publishes). Still spouting off on how Bush is purposely trying to destroy America. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L (just can't go higher, I only made the scale to 3).
G. Will's article was about the Supreme Court's UNANIMOUS decision to slap down a bunch of idiotic campus lawyers (if they are this stupid how can they teach) who tried to get military recruiters off campus. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article (since it was a unanimous decision).
Well the front page is another IR hatchet piece. But lets stick with the opinion page. There is just too much for me to cover otherwise.
Well the political cartoon was fairly balanced today. Prejudice looks funny when you switch the characters. Give this one a zero.
Well P. Krugman is back. The most biased political hack the IR publishes. For his rating go to 'lying in ponds' whose link is on the left side of the page. Still spouting off about how bad the economy is (for an economist he really should look at some of the articles the NYT publishes). Still spouting off on how Bush is purposely trying to destroy America. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L (just can't go higher, I only made the scale to 3).
G. Will's article was about the Supreme Court's UNANIMOUS decision to slap down a bunch of idiotic campus lawyers (if they are this stupid how can they teach) who tried to get military recruiters off campus. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article (since it was a unanimous decision).
March 8
Well the political cartoon is anti-Bush again, big surprise. 3L for that one.
T. Teepen again. Between Teepen and Krugman I just want to puke. For ratings on Krugman see www.lyinginponds.com , unfortunately Teepen doesn't write for a paper that this web site rates. We learn that Bush wants a little secrecy in the government. Guess he got tired of reading all the secrets in the news. Funny I thought the media was upset about releases of secrets before, of course they were all to ready to publish them. Funny how that goes. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article.
D. Brooks is a very moderate conservative. His article today just doesn't say much of anything. Guess it is his attempt at fair and balanced. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Well the political cartoon is anti-Bush again, big surprise. 3L for that one.
T. Teepen again. Between Teepen and Krugman I just want to puke. For ratings on Krugman see www.lyinginponds.com , unfortunately Teepen doesn't write for a paper that this web site rates. We learn that Bush wants a little secrecy in the government. Guess he got tired of reading all the secrets in the news. Funny I thought the media was upset about releases of secrets before, of course they were all to ready to publish them. Funny how that goes. Give this one a 3L for writer and 3L for article.
D. Brooks is a very moderate conservative. His article today just doesn't say much of anything. Guess it is his attempt at fair and balanced. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Well the IR view is that everyone wants the Higher Ed office to stick around. Funny yesterday Boulder didn't want a government office located there. Of course that was a treatment center for meth addicts. Funny how that works.
Well the political cartoon was definitely anti-Bush today. Give that one a 3L. I don't know if I should keep track of anti-Bush articles in the IR since I haven't seen one that is pro-Bush.
T. McAdam article was pure hype. A noted liberal organization (Mt Human Rights Network) is upset that the ACLU and notorious liberal organization had trouble showing their propaganda film, oh wow, will wonders never end. Since they have links on their web site to the ACLU do you think they might just be the same liberal types with an innocuous name that makes them sound like they just want to help? Well duh! Lets put on a conservative view point and see how long it takes them to try to get it stopped. He also called objectors to this propaganda right-wing paranoid Christians. Nothing like a little name calling. He also stated that Fox news was Bush's 24 hour propaganda network. As opposed to ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and CNN being the liberals 24 hour propaganda networks. Any bets he wants to take FOX and Rush off the air? Funny how that censorship is so justified if it is for your side.
For the truth on media bias go to; http://www.newsroom.ucla.edu/page.asp?RelNum=6664
This one gets a 3L because I can't give it anything higher and the writer also gets a 3L.
Well I see according to our E. Tinsley the hated Bush is trying to destroy the country again. Isn't it funny the liberals try to stop all development in MT then complain about the lack of jobs. We are going to put up all of our state resources on a shrine and never use them. Wish they thought that way about all the taxes they collect. Will we have a liberal writing an anti-Bush anti-development article how about 3L for writer and article and another anti-Bush.
By the way this is great time to note how the IR does not note what political affiliations the writers have. Will have to watch and if they ever put up a conservative writer and see how they note them.
Oh the little mini-Op-Ed was also 3L for article, don't know the writer but I would bet they are liberal too.
Well the political cartoon was definitely anti-Bush today. Give that one a 3L. I don't know if I should keep track of anti-Bush articles in the IR since I haven't seen one that is pro-Bush.
T. McAdam article was pure hype. A noted liberal organization (Mt Human Rights Network) is upset that the ACLU and notorious liberal organization had trouble showing their propaganda film, oh wow, will wonders never end. Since they have links on their web site to the ACLU do you think they might just be the same liberal types with an innocuous name that makes them sound like they just want to help? Well duh! Lets put on a conservative view point and see how long it takes them to try to get it stopped. He also called objectors to this propaganda right-wing paranoid Christians. Nothing like a little name calling. He also stated that Fox news was Bush's 24 hour propaganda network. As opposed to ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and CNN being the liberals 24 hour propaganda networks. Any bets he wants to take FOX and Rush off the air? Funny how that censorship is so justified if it is for your side.
For the truth on media bias go to; http://www.newsroom.ucla.edu/page.asp?RelNum=6664
This one gets a 3L because I can't give it anything higher and the writer also gets a 3L.
Well I see according to our E. Tinsley the hated Bush is trying to destroy the country again. Isn't it funny the liberals try to stop all development in MT then complain about the lack of jobs. We are going to put up all of our state resources on a shrine and never use them. Wish they thought that way about all the taxes they collect. Will we have a liberal writing an anti-Bush anti-development article how about 3L for writer and article and another anti-Bush.
By the way this is great time to note how the IR does not note what political affiliations the writers have. Will have to watch and if they ever put up a conservative writer and see how they note them.
Oh the little mini-Op-Ed was also 3L for article, don't know the writer but I would bet they are liberal too.
March 6
Well the big opinion poll shows that most of the people in Helena are against the port deal. But not against the Chinese running the West coast ports. Toss up between racial profiling and actual justifiable fear. Maybe it is just fear of the unknown.
Political cartoon of course is anti-Bush. It gets a 3L.
G. Wills article is speculation on who might run for President (2 1/5 years away yet). Another failed attempt at the IR to be fair and balanced. George is a conservative writer (at least a little, what do you expect from the NYT) and is usually published in the IR when he doesn't write supporting conservatives. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Wolny's article is all about not wanting a treatment center in Boulder. Everyone wants a garbage dump (not to say the people at the center are garbage, this is an analogy) but nobody wants it out their back door. Guess we will just have to start building treatment centers in those old growth woods, no people there.
Well the big opinion poll shows that most of the people in Helena are against the port deal. But not against the Chinese running the West coast ports. Toss up between racial profiling and actual justifiable fear. Maybe it is just fear of the unknown.
Political cartoon of course is anti-Bush. It gets a 3L.
G. Wills article is speculation on who might run for President (2 1/5 years away yet). Another failed attempt at the IR to be fair and balanced. George is a conservative writer (at least a little, what do you expect from the NYT) and is usually published in the IR when he doesn't write supporting conservatives. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article.
Wolny's article is all about not wanting a treatment center in Boulder. Everyone wants a garbage dump (not to say the people at the center are garbage, this is an analogy) but nobody wants it out their back door. Guess we will just have to start building treatment centers in those old growth woods, no people there.
March 5
Rated the political cartoon zero today. Didn't mention either party.
Friedman gets a 2L for being a liberal writer and a 1L for his article. Although it is anti war it does it at least by trying to justify his position and not just a senseless rant.
Stearns article was given a 1L for writer and 1L for article. Once I get things going a little better I will have more time to delve into the writers politics more.
Op-Ed on page 5 gets zeroes all around. Although it seems to be apolitical it does have the writers quoting Ellen Goodman, a noted liberal writer.
Political cartoon on page 5 gets zeroes too. Seems to be party neutral.
Rated the political cartoon zero today. Didn't mention either party.
Friedman gets a 2L for being a liberal writer and a 1L for his article. Although it is anti war it does it at least by trying to justify his position and not just a senseless rant.
Stearns article was given a 1L for writer and 1L for article. Once I get things going a little better I will have more time to delve into the writers politics more.
Op-Ed on page 5 gets zeroes all around. Although it seems to be apolitical it does have the writers quoting Ellen Goodman, a noted liberal writer.
Political cartoon on page 5 gets zeroes too. Seems to be party neutral.
Friday, March 10, 2006
March 3
Cartoon was conservative today (maybe) but at least it was not anit-Bush. It was actually one I agree with. Give it a 0 anti-Bush and 2 conservative.
G. Will was almost conservative. I have noticed this in the past. Whenever the IR does publish conservative OP-ED writers they usually only do it when it is a moderate or anti-Bush piece. Will have to add columnist to my ratings. So,... OP-ED 1C, story 0 (not liberal or conservative) and anti-Bush 1
T. Teepen was not nearly his ultra-liberal self today. He somehow was able to blame Bush for an increase in abortions. I would think this would make him happy but somehow it doesn't. Give this one OP-ED 3L, story 2L, and anti-Bush 1
Cartoon was conservative today (maybe) but at least it was not anit-Bush. It was actually one I agree with. Give it a 0 anti-Bush and 2 conservative.
G. Will was almost conservative. I have noticed this in the past. Whenever the IR does publish conservative OP-ED writers they usually only do it when it is a moderate or anti-Bush piece. Will have to add columnist to my ratings. So,... OP-ED 1C, story 0 (not liberal or conservative) and anti-Bush 1
T. Teepen was not nearly his ultra-liberal self today. He somehow was able to blame Bush for an increase in abortions. I would think this would make him happy but somehow it doesn't. Give this one OP-ED 3L, story 2L, and anti-Bush 1
March 2
Well the political cartoon implied that Fox news was doing a poor job of guarding the public and was biased. Too bad they didn't note how NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and the NYT were covering for the democrats. Rated anti-Bush of 3 and liberal of 3.
Kristoff does another hit piece. I would like to know where he got this poll from and how slanted the questions were. Knowing he writes for the NYT I am sure it is slanted although I would like to see the actual poll. Rated anti-Bush of 3 and liberal of 3
Total 6 Anti-Bush, 6 Liberal, 0 Conservative.
Well the political cartoon implied that Fox news was doing a poor job of guarding the public and was biased. Too bad they didn't note how NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and the NYT were covering for the democrats. Rated anti-Bush of 3 and liberal of 3.
Kristoff does another hit piece. I would like to know where he got this poll from and how slanted the questions were. Knowing he writes for the NYT I am sure it is slanted although I would like to see the actual poll. Rated anti-Bush of 3 and liberal of 3
Total 6 Anti-Bush, 6 Liberal, 0 Conservative.
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