Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 11

Political cartoon got a 3L today.

Tom Teepen was the OP-ED writer today. He blames Bush for leaks (they are not leaks if the president declassifies them). Yet he totally ignores the lies of Wilson and Plame. Wilson was proven to have not only lied about who sent him and what he found but also his wife must have helped in the lack of protocol not be observed in him not signing a confidentiality agreement. Wilson support of John Kerry for president was also ignored. Another trash article. W3L A3L.

OP-ED by Deborah Smith was in my opinion total idiocy. Right from the first she shows her bias by saying it is wrong to make criminals out of illegal aliens, excuse me. Only from a lawyer could you get the double-speak. She then calls them 'unauthorized population', I guess that guy in your house stealing your TV is an 'unauthorized house guest'. She also talks about due process protections, for "ILLEGAL ALIENS". Wm Shakespeare was right. W3L A3L.


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