Thursday, April 06, 2006

March Roundup

Well I reviewed the OP-ED's for March.

I was surprised that there were 18 liberal and 15 conservative postings. I thought it would be more lopsided. This would probably be why the IR thinks it is middle of the road, fair and balanced. They most look at just the number of writers.

However when you look at the bias of the writers that is where you start to see the differences. Paul Krugman (77 lib), Tom Teepin, and Bob Hubert (63 lib) are all heavy hitters and excessively biased. Several of the writers were listed at which I use, so I won't be accused of bias. While G. Will (5 con) and D. Brooks (2 con) are almost totally neutral when it comes to bias. Looking at this the IR must conclude that they are far right columnists and are equally balanced with the far left writers. This would put the IR at about 55 liberal rating for OP-ED's using just the bias rating of the writers. However when you also look at what the pundits were writing about and rate those stories then you really start to have the IR lean left. Adding the writer rating and the article rating and totaling them then I get a 84% bias for liberal OP-ED's. This even exceeds Paul Krugman who is so liberal that he leads or is near the top of the pack for several years at lyinginponds.

The political cartoons came out at 90% liberal bias. This really came as no surprise as the cartoons are almost always about the current administration. Wish I would have kept track of this when Clinton was President.

Mean while I still await conservative writers like Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and David Limbaugh to appear in the IR, I'm afraid it will be a long, long, long wait.

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