Political cartoon was trying to be humorous and liberal and instead showed how we are using illegal immigrants to keep American wages down. 2L. The other cartoon got a zero.
Ellen Goodman is leading the retreat of the MSM circling the wagons while they lose the war against blogs. She shows her total lack of knowledge of blogs by using the Jill Carroll case of jumping to conclusions. As opposed to the highly regulated MSM who's reporters have been caught lying and faking the news. It is hard to defend the MSM when they accuracy is also questionable. She doesn't understand that blogs are uncensored raw immediate news as opposed to the MSM which is highly edited liberally biased hyper news. Ever notice how everything the MSM writes about is a disaster about to happen. Give this one a W3L and article a 0. Thought I was going to say liberal didn't you. Although she showed bias by trying to say Trent Lott was a racist while not saying Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were liars, she didn't blame anything on Bush or republicans.
Thomas Friedman was the other writer today. While trying to say we have spent too much on the Iraq war he blames Rumsfeld for doing the war on the cheap. He also derides Rumsfeld statement that war is not static and strategy has to constantly change. So while saying the war is not going to succeed and costs too much it is because we didn't' spend enough,.... ? Give this one a W2L and A2L.
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