March 9
Well the front page is another IR hatchet piece. But lets stick with the opinion page. There is just too much for me to cover otherwise.
Well the political cartoon was fairly balanced today. Prejudice looks funny when you switch the characters. Give this one a zero.
Well P. Krugman is back. The most biased political hack the IR publishes. For his rating go to 'lying in ponds' whose link is on the left side of the page. Still spouting off about how bad the economy is (for an economist he really should look at some of the articles the NYT publishes). Still spouting off on how Bush is purposely trying to destroy America. Give this article a 3L and the writer a 3L (just can't go higher, I only made the scale to 3).
G. Will's article was about the Supreme Court's UNANIMOUS decision to slap down a bunch of idiotic campus lawyers (if they are this stupid how can they teach) who tried to get military recruiters off campus. Give this one a 1C for writer and a zero for article (since it was a unanimous decision).
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