Monday, October 27, 2008

How Obama Became a Senator

As we approach the final days of this election it is relevant to ask how Barack Obama (d) became a senator. It was not is oratory or his promise of change nor even his policies. It was how he forced his opponent’s, Senator Ryan’s (r), sealed divorce records to be opened. Even though Senator Ryan was honorable enough not to force John Kerry’s (d) divorce records to be opened during his presidential bid. Dirty politics and personal attacks from Obama.

Recently we have seen how the left wing attack machine of the DNC attacked a private citizen who dared to ask a question of Obama. Using government resources to seek incriminating information on him.

We have also seen how the left wing attack machine has desperately searched Governor Palin’s (r) family seeking anything they could to use against her bid for vice president. Attacking her husband and children and her underage daughters ‘face book’ records.

This is what we have in our future should Obama be elected. Attacks of anyone challenging or even asking questions of Obama. A fascist country crushing any citizen who questions this government.

Is this what we really want for our country?

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