Baucus’s job outlook looked
dim. His authorizing and support of the ACA would not go over with the voters
of Montana . So
he tried to distance himself from his work by pronouncing the oncoming train
wreck. The oncoming train wreck being obvious to everyone but Democrats.
But that was like trying to
bail out the Titanic with a teacup. Plus it probably removed Baucus from Obama’s
Christmas card list.
But somebody, probably not
Baucus, saw opportunity in disaster. Save the Democrat seat in Montana and get Baucus
back on the bus with a bribe of a cushy retirement. Therefore we get the early
retirement of Baucus, Governor Bullock getting to appoint his favorite buddy to
the senate and Baucus back to supporting the ACA. This also leaves Bullock on
the owing side to Obama. And leaves a Democrat senator with no ties to the ACA
as an incumbent senator.
Who needs money to corrupt
our elected offices, they do a fine job by themselves.