So he has announced he will be rewriting the U.S. tax system. He promises to improve how the IRS works. I guess the partisanship already displayed at the IRS was not far enough to the left.
Besides the disastrous health care system he helped design is going to need an infusion of money since most people are unable to afford the Affordable Care Act. And that will take more taxes that President Obama said he wouldn't raise... period. And we know how well Obama keeps his promises.
Baucus promises to make the IRS more fair. I am always terrified when liberals try to make things more 'fair'. As they always make whatever they touch less fair and more partisan.
Why couldn't Baucus have just resigned?
I am all for taking his name off the federal courthouse, he doesn't deserve his name on any public buildings. Can we take away his federal retirement and force him and his family to signup for Obamacare?
Wishful thinking on my part.