President Obama is between a rock and a hard place. And it
is all because of his own narcissistic belief in his omnipotence. I would laugh
if it was endangering our troops.
He has totally screwed up the Middle
East. His management of the Middle East
by not managing has caught up with him. And his mismanagement of Syria
is amongst his all time greatest foreign screw-ups. But I am not going to
reiterate his mismanagement, which is already old news. Today I am predicting
his upcoming screw-up.
He foolishly drew a red line in the sand believing his
omnipotence would be apparent to Syria’s President al-Assad who
would then cower in his bunker. Instead even Assad’s eleven-year-old son
Now President Obama has realized that he is looking like the
buffoon that he is to the American electorate. He must correct this, but what
is a buffoon to do now that his bluff has been called.
Well he could devastate Syria’s air force and take out
major military installations. But that would need congress’s approval and would
get us in a war. Which would expose him as the huge hypocrite he is after his
excoriations of President Bush for ‘his’ wars. And getting congress to approve
is highly unlikely.
Or he could do what I think is the most likely course he
will pursue. He will launch some cruise missiles from well offshore so as not do
endanger American troops and force him to give back his Nobel Peace Prize. He
will target a few military sites which have already been evacuated because the
President has already revealed his targets.
This of course will accomplish increasing our national debt
for restocking our ships with replacement missiles… and that’s about it.
Because he can’t actually attack the chemical weapons storage sites. That might
cause the release of toxic gases and President Obama could cause the deaths of
thousands of innocent Syrian’s. That wouldn’t do. And trying to attack all of
delivery systems available is out of the question.
So we will lob a few missiles into Syria, Assad’s
son will post taunts to President Obama on his Facebook page, the press will
praise his protection of the Syrian people, Democrats will praise his
diplomacy, the Muslim Brotherhood will claim he hates Syrians and so will
Assad. And nothing will be accomplished. President Obama might have well just
voted “Present”.