Mission Impossible 3
Actually not too bad. The story had all kinds of holes in it. And plausibility is not even remotely possible. An example; they brought a scanning device that not only could give a better image then an MRI but could also identify the objects material composition. This on a rescue mission with limited supplies and resources. But for an action movie it wasn't too bad.
Phillip S. Huffman did an excellent job. The thing missing from most action movies today is a really good BAD guy. One you just love to hate. The difference between a bad movie and a good movie is usually the bad guy. If you don't have a bad guy that everyone wants to see die in the end there is no passion for the audience. By the end of the movie you want to see Huffman die. Not quite as good a character as Goldfinger but close.
As to the rest of the cast they were pretty well forgettable as Tom Cruise tends to dominate the screen and not let any other great characters on screen. This is not good. You tend not to connect with the other characters and have no empathy for whether they live or die.
Tom also tries his best at some dramatic acting. But since we don't have empathy with the other characters his emotional response seems forced.
The action sequences were great and Tom actually did a LOT of his own stunts. I've seen CGI and these shots were not that. I'm sure the producer and director were close to a nervous breakdown with some of the stunts Tom did. Jumping from a building, running along a wall and several other stunts.
This action movie is also not one you will want to wait till it comes out on DVD. It has to be seen on the big screen with all the sounds effects. It will be a big disappointment to those who watch it on DVD after seeing it on the big screen.
My recommendation: See it at least once on the big screen.
A conservative view of Helena. All postings are the opinions of the individual posters. We may not agree with or support any posting. Everyone is encouraged to be civil and post only arguements and not insults.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
May 5
Thomas Friedman (1L) writes today about how we need to free ourselves from our addiction on oil. He blames republicans more then democrats but he does lay blame on both parties. I don't agree with his ideas but he is relatively neutral on politics. (1L)
David Brooks (4C) writes about who is attracted to which party. He suggests it begins in high school. I disagree with it because it doesn't explain why people change. Demographics do change with age, although there are always exceptions. Give this one a 1L, I thought his description of republicans as dull instead of introspective gets him a point. 8^)
David Brooks (4C) writes about who is attracted to which party. He suggests it begins in high school. I disagree with it because it doesn't explain why people change. Demographics do change with age, although there are always exceptions. Give this one a 1L, I thought his description of republicans as dull instead of introspective gets him a point. 8^)
May 4
Tom Teepen (4L) today. Well he is on a big rant today. Conservatives are all paranoid and their are no attempts to bring down Christmas and Easter. Won't get in to that today. He also bashes Rush Limbaugh's plea even though that is the law in that state on what they do to first time offenders. Guess you have to treat conservatives differently then the rest of the actors and democrats who have ever had trouble with drugs. The rest of his rant is on our national anthem. Maybe he should check with the democrats, not even they are backing our national anthem being sung in Spanish. Weak attempt, only give this one a 3L.
The other OP-ED is by Nicholas Kristof (3L). He makes some valid points about the 'No Child Left Behind' not allowing qualified people to teach because they don't have a teaching certificate. But his solution is weak. There are people qualified for lots of jobs in this country who don't even get an interview because they don't have the right degree or education. Should we make teachers an exception just on a desire. Nothing about his plan guarantees an improvement in improving teachers in this country. How ever no real politics so article gets a zero.
W4L A3L W3L A0
The other OP-ED is by Nicholas Kristof (3L). He makes some valid points about the 'No Child Left Behind' not allowing qualified people to teach because they don't have a teaching certificate. But his solution is weak. There are people qualified for lots of jobs in this country who don't even get an interview because they don't have the right degree or education. Should we make teachers an exception just on a desire. Nothing about his plan guarantees an improvement in improving teachers in this country. How ever no real politics so article gets a zero.
W4L A3L W3L A0
May 3
Mona Chareen writes today about the movie 'United 93'. No comments about politics except to say the MSM is nit-picking it and Bush should give the passengers and crew medals.
Another example of a conservative writer having to not comment on politics to get published in the IR.
Another example of a conservative writer having to not comment on politics to get published in the IR.
May 2
Tom Teepen (4L) today. Writes about an old discredited and dropped study airlines had done to see if they could make it cheaper to fly passengers standing up. Not only is he way out of date with the study but he somehow implies that it is wrong to even study ways to cut costs. However he doesn't bring politics into the story so he gets a A0.
W4L A0
W4L A0
May 1
Well I did my bit. I shopped at Wal-Mart and spent extra money to celebrate May Day, the communist holiday being taken over by the illegal immigrants.
Political cartoon is against profit. Anybody who makes a profit is bad. Business is bad. But of course newspapers who are big business are the exception.
David Brooks (4C) today. Writes on how the democrats were beginning to be aware that multiculturism is a lost cause and the the democrats have to appeal to middle America nationalism. I wish he would quit giving advice to democrats. Oh why worry, they won't listen. I give this article a zero. Although he mentions democrats he says that they are learning from their past errors and actually directs them on how to improve. A0
Paul Krugman (8L) writes again today. Basically Bush 1 & 2 appoint cronies but Clinton appointed only good people. Guess he forgot about travelgate and numerous other indiscretion. Even the report he cites doesn't blame Bush but Krugman somehow found a link. Article 8L for not only blaming both Bush presidents but also somehow bringing in Clinton as a hero. No bias here,... yeah sure.
Political cartoon is against profit. Anybody who makes a profit is bad. Business is bad. But of course newspapers who are big business are the exception.
David Brooks (4C) today. Writes on how the democrats were beginning to be aware that multiculturism is a lost cause and the the democrats have to appeal to middle America nationalism. I wish he would quit giving advice to democrats. Oh why worry, they won't listen. I give this article a zero. Although he mentions democrats he says that they are learning from their past errors and actually directs them on how to improve. A0
Paul Krugman (8L) writes again today. Basically Bush 1 & 2 appoint cronies but Clinton appointed only good people. Guess he forgot about travelgate and numerous other indiscretion. Even the report he cites doesn't blame Bush but Krugman somehow found a link. Article 8L for not only blaming both Bush presidents but also somehow bringing in Clinton as a hero. No bias here,... yeah sure.
W4C A0 W8L A8L
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Disclaimer and Ranking Changes
These posts represent the opinions of the posters based on published articles in the Helena Independent Record. Although they are rated and ranked the posters are not scientists and their ranking is of an amateur nature and is for discussion purposes only.
Any comments are the sole responsibility of said posters and we may not agree with their posts. We do not have any control of who posts.
Starting in May a new ranking system will be started. The scale will be expaned from 0-3 to 0-10 because the rankings becomes compacted making the results more pronounced.
Bias rating for the Helena IR opinion writers. This is data colected from www.lyinginponds.com and subjective ranking by visiting conservative and liberal web sites for those not ranked at lyinginponds. I am posting this so that everyone will know how each writer is ranked. Should you disagree let me know with a valid reason. In all cases if possible lyinginponds will be the final judge. If a writer is not posted in lyinginponds or there ranking is old I may be swayed to modify their ranking but my judgement will also be final.
Conservatives 0-10 rating (round(rating/10))
Mona Charen 57C 6
Cal Thomas 43C 4
Linda Chavez 36C 4
David Brooks 35C 4
George Will 28C 3
William Safire 22C 2
Walter Williams 4C 0
Paul Krugman 76L 8(avg of two years)
Molly Ivins 69L 7
Ellen Goodman 60L 6
Tom Teepen 40L 4
Bob Herbert 39L 4
Maureen Dowd 38L 4
Nicholas Kristof 27L 3
Thomas Freidman 14L 1
Any comments are the sole responsibility of said posters and we may not agree with their posts. We do not have any control of who posts.
Starting in May a new ranking system will be started. The scale will be expaned from 0-3 to 0-10 because the rankings becomes compacted making the results more pronounced.
Bias rating for the Helena IR opinion writers. This is data colected from www.lyinginponds.com and subjective ranking by visiting conservative and liberal web sites for those not ranked at lyinginponds. I am posting this so that everyone will know how each writer is ranked. Should you disagree let me know with a valid reason. In all cases if possible lyinginponds will be the final judge. If a writer is not posted in lyinginponds or there ranking is old I may be swayed to modify their ranking but my judgement will also be final.
Conservatives 0-10 rating (round(rating/10))
Mona Charen 57C 6
Cal Thomas 43C 4
Linda Chavez 36C 4
David Brooks 35C 4
George Will 28C 3
William Safire 22C 2
Walter Williams 4C 0
Paul Krugman 76L 8(avg of two years)
Molly Ivins 69L 7
Ellen Goodman 60L 6
Tom Teepen 40L 4
Bob Herbert 39L 4
Maureen Dowd 38L 4
Nicholas Kristof 27L 3
Thomas Freidman 14L 1
April Results
There were 21 OP-EDs from liberal writers in April and 6 articles from conservative writers. This give us approximately 78% liberal writers and only 22% conservative writers.
The average ranking of (how biased) the liberal writers were was 2.7 (89%) out of 3 and the average liberal article received a 2 (67%) out of 3.
The average ranking of (how biased) the conservative writers was 1.5 (50%) of 3 and the average conservative article received a 1.3 (44%) out of 3.
There was only 1 article for the month that had a cross-over article. Suprisingly it was from a liberal writer.
I didn't bother to rate the cartoons as they were so biased to the left that there was nothing redeeming in them.
Clearly there is a bias in not only who is posted but also how on biased their article. Conservative writers were not only published less often but were less biased and their articles were less biased. This would put the IR at over 80% biased to the liberal side (In my opinion).
The average ranking of (how biased) the liberal writers were was 2.7 (89%) out of 3 and the average liberal article received a 2 (67%) out of 3.
The average ranking of (how biased) the conservative writers was 1.5 (50%) of 3 and the average conservative article received a 1.3 (44%) out of 3.
There was only 1 article for the month that had a cross-over article. Suprisingly it was from a liberal writer.
I didn't bother to rate the cartoons as they were so biased to the left that there was nothing redeeming in them.
Clearly there is a bias in not only who is posted but also how on biased their article. Conservative writers were not only published less often but were less biased and their articles were less biased. This would put the IR at over 80% biased to the liberal side (In my opinion).
April 30
Political cartoon implies that the president's only exit strategy is into Iran. Guess they don't see Iran as a world threat, fools. C3L
The other cartoon was neutral.
Thomas Friedman today. Blames the president for the current oil 'crisis'. Everything is a crisis, disaster, or emergency today. Friedman will have us all on mopeds or solar powered bikes. It is unfortunate that it seems that all of the best oil fields are in bad countries (forgets we get most of our oil from Canada). But his solution is for us to stop using it and let all the other terrible countries in the world to get cheap oil. W1C A2L
The other cartoon was neutral.
Thomas Friedman today. Blames the president for the current oil 'crisis'. Everything is a crisis, disaster, or emergency today. Friedman will have us all on mopeds or solar powered bikes. It is unfortunate that it seems that all of the best oil fields are in bad countries (forgets we get most of our oil from Canada). But his solution is for us to stop using it and let all the other terrible countries in the world to get cheap oil. W1C A2L
April 27
Oh brother, the political cartoon makes fun of old people today. 8^) 1L
Mona Charen was the writer today. Did a bit on vulgarity on TV. She has a lot better articles then this, most of them political. But the IR seems to only publish conservative writers when they are anti-Bush or non-political. W2C A0
C1L W2C A0
Mona Charen was the writer today. Did a bit on vulgarity on TV. She has a lot better articles then this, most of them political. But the IR seems to only publish conservative writers when they are anti-Bush or non-political. W2C A0
C1L W2C A0
April 26
Political cartoon was pretty stupid today. No exit sign while the left does nothing but scream leave. If we can't leave why yell about it. C3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
April 26
Political cartoon was pretty stupid today. No exit sign while the left does nothing but scream leave. If we can't leave why yell about it. C3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
Oh for Pete's sake. Bob Herbert quoting John Kerry. How far liberal can you get? The only thing Kerry thinks about is appeasing his liberal friends. He tries to make Kerry a hero for his past quotes in congress while ignoring Kerry's claim of committing war crimes. Quit and run is there only mantra. Osama bin Laden was right about half of the US, the left is composed of "Paper Tigers" who will cut and run at the first blood. W3L A3L
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